How to get from 志木市 to 青梅市 by bus and metro?
From 志木市 to 青梅市 by bus and metro
To get from 志木市 to 青梅市 in Tokyo, you’ll need to take one metro line and 2 bus lines: take the 武蔵野線 MUSASHINO LINE metro from 北朝霞 Kita-Asaka station to 新小平 Shin-Kodaira station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 梅70 bus and finally take the 河16 bus from 東青梅4丁目 station to 下菅生 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 51 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro station北朝霞 Kita-AsakaID JM281.69 km • 22 min
- 2Wait for metro武蔵野線 MUSASHINO LINE府中本町 [普通] Fuchuhommachi [Local]
- 3Ride to metro station新小平 Shin-KodairaID JM3215 min
- 4Walk to bus station新小平駅前90 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus梅70青梅車庫
- 6Ride to bus station青梅消防署前64 min
- 7Walk to bus station東青梅4丁目590 m • 8 min
- 8Wait for bus河16秋川駅
- 9Ride to bus station下菅生14 min
- 10Walk to青梅市1.4 km • 18 min
Public transit directions from 志木市 to 青梅市
Public transit stations close to 志木市
志木市 is located at 志木市, Tokyo and the nearest public transit station is 志木駅東口.
Metro stations close to 志木市:
- 北朝霞 Kita-Asaka
- 新座 Niiza
Bus stations close to 志木市:
- 志木駅東口
- 志木駅入口
- 東町(志木市)
Public transit stations close to 青梅市, Tokyo
青梅市 is located at 青梅市, Tokyo and the nearest public transit station is 秋川 Akigawa.
Metro stations close to 青梅市:
- 秋川 Akigawa
- 小作 Ozaku
- 武蔵引田 Musashi-Hikida
Bus stations close to 青梅市:
- 菅生
- 菅生高校
- 菅生学園学びの城
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 志木市 to 青梅市?
The fastest way takes 171 minutes, using Bus line 武蔵野線 MUSASHINO LINE, Bus line 梅70, Bus line 河16.
Is there a direct metro between 志木市 and 青梅市 in Tokyo?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 51 min.
Which metro line goes from 志木市 to 青梅市 in Tokyo?
The 武蔵野線 MUSASHINO LINE metro line goes from 北朝霞 Kita-Asaka station near 志木市 to 府中本町 [普通] Fuchuhommachi [Local] station. From there you’ll have to take 2 bus lines till 府中本町 [普通] Fuchuhommachi [Local] station near 青梅市 in Tokyo
How long does it take to travel from 志木市 to 青梅市 in Tokyo by metro and bus?
The total travel time between 志木市 and 青梅市 in Tokyo by metro and bus is about 2 hr 51 min.
Where do I get on the metro near 志木市 to get to 青梅市 in Tokyo?
Get on the 武蔵野線 MUSASHINO LINE metro from the 北朝霞 Kita-Asaka station near 志木市 in Tokyo.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between 志木市 and 青梅市 in Tokyo?
Get off the metro at the 府中本町 [普通] Fuchuhommachi [Local] stop, which is closest to 青梅市 in Tokyo.