How to get from Poio to A Coruña by bus and train?
From Poio to A Coruña by bus and train
To get from Poio to A Coruña in Vigo, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the XG626 bus from Avenida Portería - Rabo de Porco (Poio) station to María Victoria Moreno - Frente Parque (Pontevedra) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the L-1 bus and finally take the MD train from Pontevedra station to A Coruña station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 120 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPoio
- 2Wait for busXG626Pontevedra E.A.
- 3Ride to bus stationMaría Victoria Moreno - Frente Parque (Pontevedra)ID 36038-20426 min
- 4Wait for busL-1Estacións-A Xunqueira-Monteporreiro (Circular L1)
- 5Ride to bus stationPontevedra E.A.ID 60011202 min
- 6Walk to train stationPontevedra170 m • 3 min
- 7Wait for trainMDEstación de Tren A Corunya
- 8Ride to train stationA Coruña72 min
- 9Walk toA Coruña810 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Poio to A Coruña
Public transit stations close to Poio
Poio is located at Poio, Vigo and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Portería - Rabo de Porco (Poio).
Bus stations close to Poio:
- Avenida Portería - Rabo de Porco (Poio)
- Avenida Portería - Rabo do Porco (Poio)
- Muelle de Raxó (Poio)
Public transit stations close to A Coruña, Vigo
A Coruña is located at A Coruña, Vigo and the nearest public transit station is Marqués de Figueroa.
Train stations close to A Coruña:
- Elviña-Universidade
- A Coruña
- O Burgo-Santiago
Bus stations close to A Coruña:
- Marqués de Figueroa
- R.Outeiro,Pérez Ardá
- Alfonso Molina F/ Est. Buses (Interurbano)
Ferry stations close to A Coruña:
- Dársena da Marina
Related Routes
- Cotobade to A Coruña
- Marín to A Coruña
- Baiona to A Coruña
- Bueu to A Coruña
- O Grove to A Coruña
- Oia to A Coruña
- Ponte Caldelas to A Coruña
- Pontevedra to A Coruña
- Salceda De Caselas to A Coruña
- Sanxenxo to A Coruña
- Soutomaior to A Coruña
- Tomiño to A Coruña
- Tui to A Coruña
- Vilaboa to A Coruña
- A Cañiza to A Coruña
- A Estrada to A Coruña
- A Guarda to A Coruña
- A Lama to A Coruña
- Agolada to A Coruña
- Arbo to A Coruña
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Poio to A Coruña?
The fastest way takes 120 minutes, using Bus line XG626, Bus line L-1, Bus line MD.
Is there a direct bus between Poio and A Coruña in Vigo?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 120 min.
Which bus line goes from Poio to A Coruña in Vigo?
The XG626 bus line goes from Pontevedra E.A. station near Poio to María Victoria Moreno - Frente Parque (Pontevedra) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till María Victoria Moreno - Frente Parque (Pontevedra) station near A Coruña in Vigo
How long does it take to travel from Poio to A Coruña in Vigo by bus and train?
The total travel time between Poio and A Coruña in Vigo by bus and train is about 120 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Poio to get to A Coruña in Vigo?
Get on the XG626 bus from the Pontevedra E.A. stop near Poio in Vigo.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Poio and A Coruña in Vigo?
Get off the bus at the María Victoria Moreno - Frente Parque (Pontevedra) station, which is closest to A Coruña in Vigo.