How to get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab by cable car?
From Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab by cable car
To get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe, take the G43 cable car from El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá station to Cad station. Next, take the J70 cable car from Cad station to Avenida Jiménez station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to cable car stationEl Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De BogotáID TM0131 - Zona K360 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for cable carG43San Mateo - Centro Comercial Unisur
- 3Ride to cable car stationCadID TM0067 - Zona E17 min
- 4Wait for cable carJ70Las Aguas - Centro Colombo Americano
- 5Ride to cable car stationAvenida JiménezID TM0070 - Zona F4 min
- 6Walk toAcademia Superior De Artes De Bogota - AsabAvenida Carrera 13250 m • 4 min
From Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab by bus and cable car
To get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe, take the D211 bus from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) station to Estación NormandÃa (Ac 26 - Kr 74) station. Next, take the L10 cable car from NormandÃa station to Avenida Jiménez station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCompensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69)
- 2Wait for busD211Gran Granada
- 3Ride to bus stationEstación NormandÃa (Ac 26 - Kr 74)ID 373A054 min
- 4Walk to cable car stationNormandÃaID TM0133 - Zona K20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for cable carL10Portal 20 De Julio
- 6Ride to cable car stationAvenida JiménezID TM0070 - Zona F25 min
- 7Walk toAcademia Superior De Artes De Bogota - AsabAvenida Carrera 13250 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
Public transit stations close to Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69)
Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) is located at Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69), Santa Fe and the nearest public transit station is Estación El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá (Ac 26 - Kr 68b Bis).
Bus stations close to Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69):
- Estación El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá (Ac 26 - Kr 68b Bis)
- Estación Avenida Rojas (Ac 26 - Ak 70)
- Br. Ciudad Salitre Occidental (Tv 68 - Ac 26)
Cable Car stations close to Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69):
- Can - British Council
- El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá
- Salitre - El Greco
Public transit stations close to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab, Santa Fe
Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab is located at Avenida Carrera 13, Santa Fe and the nearest public transit station is Br. La Favorita (Kr 17 - Cl 16).
Bus stations close to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab:
- Br. La Favorita (Kr 17 - Cl 16)
- Br. La Capuchina (Ak 10 - Cl 15)
- Estación Las Nieves (Ac 19 - Kr 9) (B)
Cable Car stations close to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab:
- De La Sabana
- Las Nieves
- Avenida Jiménez
Related Routes
- Portal De La 80 (Ac 80 - Tv 94l) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Multifamiliares Carimagua (Cl 40 Sur - Kr 73) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Br. Madelena (Auto Sur - Kr 64 Bis) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Hospital Universitario La Samaritana (Kr 8 - Cl 0 Sur) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Centro Comercial Gran Estación (Ac 26 - Kr 60) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Parque Central Fontibón (Kr 99 - Cl 17a) (B) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Universidad El Bosque (Kr 7 Bis - Cl 131) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Universidad El Bosque (Ak 9 - Cl 129) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Avenida Calle 134 (Ak 9 - Ac 134) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Puente De Guadua (Ac 80 - Kr 119) (A) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Br. Villas De Granada (Ac 80 - Kr 112 Bis) (A) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Br. Ciudadela Colsubsidio (Ac 80 - Kr 111c) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Escuela De ArtillerÃa No. 13 (Av. Caracas - Tv 5d) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Portal De Usme (Av. Caracas - Cl 64 Sur) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Puente Aéreo - O (Ac 26 - Kr 106) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Estación Prado (Kr 45a - Cl 128b) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Br. Ciudad Hayuelos (Ac 22 - Kr 81) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Parque Lourdes (Ak 13 - Cl 63a) (B) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Cl 74 - Kr 13) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
- Centro Comercial Metrópolis (Ak 68 - Cl 75a) (C) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab
From Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab by bus and cable car
To get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe, take the D211 bus from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) station to Estación NormandÃa (Ac 26 - Kr 74) station. Next, take the L10 cable car from NormandÃa station to Avenida Jiménez station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min. The ride fare is COP3,200.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCompensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69)
- 2Wait for busD211Gran Granada
- 3Ride to bus stationEstación NormandÃa (Ac 26 - Kr 74)ID 373A054 min
- 4Walk to cable car stationNormandÃaID TM0133 - Zona K20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for cable carL10Portal 20 De Julio
- 6Ride to cable car stationAvenida JiménezID TM0070 - Zona F25 min
- 7Walk toAcademia Superior De Artes De Bogota - AsabAvenida Carrera 13250 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line G43, Bus line J70.
What is the alternative route to get from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The alternative route takes 51 minutes, using Bus line D211, Bus line L10.
Is there a direct cable car between Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) and Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
No, you’ll have to take 2 cable car lines in total. The total travelling time is 40 min.
Which cable car line goes from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The G43 cable car line goes from El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá station near Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) in Bogota to San Mateo - Centro Comercial Unisur station. From there you’ll have to take one cable car line till San Mateo - Centro Comercial Unisur station near Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe.
How long does it take to travel from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab by cable car?
The total travel time between Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) in Bogota and Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe by cable car is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the cable car near Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to get to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
Get on the G43 cable car from the El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá station near Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) in Bogota.
Where do I get off the cable car when travelling between Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) and Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
Get off the cable car at the San Mateo - Centro Comercial Unisur station, which is closest to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe.
When is the last bus from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The last bus from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) in Bogota to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe is the Zarazota line. It leaves the Estación Avenida Rojas (Ac 26 - Kr 69d Bis) (A) stop at 10:17 PM.
When is the first cable car from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The first cable car from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) in Bogota to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab in Santa Fe is Avenida Calle 116. It leaves the El Tiempo - Cámara De Comercio De Bogotá station at 11:34 PM.
How much is the cable car fare from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab?
The ride from Compensar Cur (Ac 26 - Kr 69) to Academia Superior De Artes De Bogota - Asab costs COP3,200.00.