How to get from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos by bus?
From Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos by bus
Take one direct bus from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos: take the 965 bus from Lourdes - Gare Routière station to Agos-Vidalos - Mairie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationLourdes - Gare RoutièreID 10651.88 km • 25 min
- 2Wait for bus965Lourdes → Cauterets
- 3Ride to bus stationAgos-Vidalos - Mairie8 min
- 4Walk toAgos Vidalos200 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos
Public transit stations close to Cité Saint-Pierre
Cité Saint-Pierre is located at Cité Saint-Pierre, Agos-Vidalos and the nearest public transit station is Madeleine.
Train stations close to Cité Saint-Pierre:
- Lourdes
Bus stations close to Cité Saint-Pierre:
- Madeleine
- Massabielle
- Italie
Funicular stations close to Cité Saint-Pierre:
- Arrêt Inférieur
- Arrêt Supérieur - Pic Du Jer
Public transit stations close to Agos Vidalos, Agos-Vidalos
Agos Vidalos is located at Agos Vidalos, Agos-Vidalos and the nearest public transit station is Agos-Vidalos - Mairie.
Bus stations close to Agos Vidalos:
- Agos-Vidalos - Mairie
- Agos-Vidalos - Église
Related Routes
- Pau - Université to Agos Vidalos
- La Lande to Agos Vidalos
- Jurançon - Fromagerie to Agos Vidalos
- Lannemezan - École Bourtoulets to Agos Vidalos
- Cité Saint-Pierre to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Bastillac to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Maubourguet - Faubourg / Fabrique to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Maubourguet - Faubourg/Fabrique to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pl. D'Espagne - Bosquet Quai A to Piau Engaly
- Pl. D'Espagne - Bosquet Quai A to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pl. D'Espagne - Bosquet Quai B to Piau Engaly
- Pl. D'Espagne - Bosquet Quai B to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pau Bosquet Quai C to Piau Engaly
- Pau Bosquet Quai C to Lestelle Bétharram
- Pau Bosquet Quai C to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pau Bosquet Quai D to Piau Engaly
- Pau Bosquet Quai D to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pau Bosquet Quai E to Piau Engaly
- Pau Bosquet Quai E to Sainte Marie de Campan
- Pau Bosquet Quai H to Piau Engaly
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos?
The fastest way takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 965.
Is there a direct bus between Cité Saint-Pierre and Agos Vidalos?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Cité Saint-Pierre in Béarn & Bigorre to Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos in 36 min.
Which bus line goes from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos?
The 965 bus line goes from Lourdes - Gare Routière station near Cité Saint-Pierre in Béarn & Bigorre to Lourdes → Cauterets station near Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos.
How long does it take to travel from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos by bus?
The total travel time between Cité Saint-Pierre in Béarn & Bigorre and Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos by bus is about 36 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Cité Saint-Pierre to get to Agos Vidalos?
Get on the 965 bus from the Lourdes - Gare Routière stop near Cité Saint-Pierre in Béarn & Bigorre.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Cité Saint-Pierre and Agos Vidalos?
Get off the bus at the Lourdes → Cauterets stop, which is closest to Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos.
When is the first bus from Cité Saint-Pierre to Agos Vidalos?
The first bus from Cité Saint-Pierre in Béarn & Bigorre to Agos Vidalos in Agos-Vidalos is Tarbes <> Lourdes <> Pierrefitte <> Cauterets <> Barèges <> Gavarnie. It leaves the Lourdes - Gare Routière stop at 10:28 AM.