How to get from Korkuteli to Altınyayla by bus?
From Korkuteli to Altınyayla by bus
Take one direct bus from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla: take the 5-9 bus from Doğanlar station to Çobanisa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationKorkuteli
- 2Wait for bus5-9Fethiye
- 3Ride to bus stationÇobanisa7 min
Public transit directions from Korkuteli to Altınyayla
Public transit stations close to Korkuteli
Korkuteli is located at Korkuteli, Mugla and the nearest public transit station is Doğanlar.
Bus stations close to Korkuteli:
- Doğanlar
- Karataş
Public transit stations close to Altınyayla, Mugla
Altınyayla is located at Altınyayla, Mugla and the nearest public transit station is Çobanisa.
Bus stations close to Altınyayla:
- Çobanisa
Related Routes
- Elmalı to Altınyayla
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- Ortaca to Altınyayla
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- Marmaris to Altınyayla
- Merkez to Altınyayla
- Mugla Merkezi to Altınyayla
- Korkuteli to Dalaman
- Korkuteli to Ortaca
- Korkuteli to Köyceğiz
- Korkuteli to Marmaris
- Korkuteli to Merkez
- Korkuteli to Mugla Merkezi
- Altınyayla to Elmalı
- Altınyayla to Korkuteli
- Altınyayla to Dalaman
- Altınyayla to Ortaca
- Altınyayla to Köyceğiz
- Altınyayla to Marmaris
- Altınyayla to Merkez
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Korkuteli to Altınyayla?
The fastest way takes 8 minutes, using Bus line 5-9.
Is there a direct bus between Korkuteli and Altınyayla in Mugla?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla in 8 min.
Which bus line goes from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla?
The 5-9 bus line goes from Fethiye station near Korkuteli to Çobanisa station near Altınyayla in Mugla.
How long does it take to travel from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla by bus?
The total travel time between Korkuteli and Altınyayla in Mugla by bus is about 8 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Korkuteli to get to Altınyayla in Mugla?
Get on the 5-9 bus from the Fethiye stop near Korkuteli in Mugla.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Korkuteli and Altınyayla in Mugla?
Get off the bus at the Çobanisa stop, which is closest to Altınyayla in Mugla.
When is the first bus from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla?
The first bus from Korkuteli to Altınyayla in Mugla is Bekçiler - Fethiye. It leaves the Doğanlar stop at 11:01 AM.