How to get from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada by bus?
From Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada by bus
Take one direct bus from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada in Alvorada: take the W201A PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA IPIRANGA bus from Ipiranga - Antônio De Carvalho station to Pres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 48 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationIpiranga - Antônio De CarvalhoID 4811560 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for busW201A PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA IPIRANGAPasso da Figueira
- 3Ride to bus stationPres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 4839 min
- 4Walk toAlvoradaRua Porto Rico100 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada by bus via T10 and W212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVES
To get from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada in Alvorada, take the T10 bus from Avenida Ipiranga 8990 Jardim Do Carvalho Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Do Sul 91440 Brasil station to Av Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil station. Next, take the W212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVES bus from Av Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil station to Pres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 48 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Ipiranga 8990 Jardim Do Carvalho Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Do Sul 91440 Brasil540 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for busT10Triângulo / Antônio De Carvalho - Leste/Norte
- 3Ride to bus stationAv Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil11 min
- 4Wait for busW212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVESPasso da Figueira
- 5Ride to bus stationPres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 4831 min
- 6Walk toAlvoradaRua Porto Rico100 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada
Public transit stations close to Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil
Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil is located at Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil, Alvorada and the nearest public transit station is R. Pitoresca 194 - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil.
Bus stations close to Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil:
- R. Pitoresca 194 - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil
- Partenon Pitoresca - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-570 Brasil
- Bento Gonçalves - Ant. De Carvalho (Fora Do Corredor)
Public transit stations close to Alvorada, Alvorada
Alvorada is located at Rua Porto Rico, Alvorada and the nearest public transit station is Caetano Dihl - Ceee.
Bus stations close to Alvorada:
- Caetano Dihl - Ceee
- Vasco Da Gama
- Pres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 49
Related Routes
- Paraná - Campo Monte Alegre to Alvorada
- Paraná - Bom Samaritano to Alvorada
- Liberdade - Shopping Santa Isabel to Alvorada
- Liberdade - Praça Santa Isabel to Alvorada
- Liberdade to Alvorada
- Amazonas - Cras Monte Alegre to Alvorada
- Term. Terra Nova to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 31 (Divisa Porto Alegre) to Alvorada
- Bento Gonçalves - Garagem Viamão to Alvorada
- Bento Gonçalves - Isabel Bastos to Alvorada
- Bento Gonçalves - Ceee to Alvorada
- Bento Gonçalves - Fórum to Alvorada
- Rev. Américo Vespúcio Cabral - Nacional to Alvorada
- Julieta Pinto Cesar to Alvorada
- Bento Gonçalves - Supermercado Lisboa to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 57 (Jardim Krahe) to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 32 (Liberdade) to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 33 (E.C. Lomba Do Sabão) to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 34 (Isabel De Espanha) to Alvorada
- Rs-040 - Parada 35 (Big) to Alvorada
Alternative route from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada by bus via T10 and W212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVES
To get from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada in Alvorada, take the T10 bus from Avenida Ipiranga 8990 Jardim Do Carvalho Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Do Sul 91440 Brasil station to Av Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil station. Next, take the W212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVES bus from Av Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil station to Pres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 48 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Ipiranga 8990 Jardim Do Carvalho Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Do Sul 91440 Brasil540 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for busT10Triângulo / Antônio De Carvalho - Leste/Norte
- 3Ride to bus stationAv Protasio Alves - Jardim Itu-Sabará Porto Alegre - Rs 91210-080 Brasil11 min
- 4Wait for busW212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVESPasso da Figueira
- 5Ride to bus stationPres. Getúlio Vargas - Parada 4831 min
- 6Walk toAlvoradaRua Porto Rico100 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada?
The fastest way takes 48 minutes, using Bus line W201A PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA IPIRANGA.
What is the alternative route to get from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada?
The alternative route takes 59 minutes, using Bus line T10, Bus line W212 PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA PROTÁSIO ALVES.
Is there a direct bus between Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil and Alvorada?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil in Porto Alegre Region to Alvorada in Alvorada in 48 min.
Which bus line goes from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada?
The W201A PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA IPIRANGA bus line goes from Ipiranga - Antônio De Carvalho station near Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil in Porto Alegre Region to Passo da Figueira station near Alvorada in Alvorada.
How long does it take to travel from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada by bus?
The total travel time between Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil in Porto Alegre Region and Alvorada in Alvorada by bus is about 48 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to get to Alvorada?
Get on the W201A PASSO DA FIGUEIRA VIA IPIRANGA bus from the Ipiranga - Antônio De Carvalho stop near Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil in Porto Alegre Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil and Alvorada?
Get off the bus at the Passo da Figueira stop, which is closest to Alvorada in Alvorada.
When is the first bus from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil to Alvorada?
The first bus from Partenon Encantadora - Agronomia Porto Alegre - Rs 91530-480 Brasil in Porto Alegre Region to Alvorada in Alvorada is Passo da Figueira via Ipiranga. It leaves the Ipiranga - Antônio De Carvalho stop at 5:22 AM.