How to get from Tabernas to Antas by bus?
From Tabernas to Antas by bus
To get from Tabernas to Antas in Almeria, take the HO bus from Tabernas station to Estación De Autobuses De Vera station. Next, take the L1 bus from Estación De Autobuses De Vera station to Calle Era Del Lugar, 2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTabernas
- 2Wait for busHOMojácar - Vera - Huércal Overa
- 3Ride to bus stationEstación De Autobuses De Vera64 min
- 4Wait for busL1Garrucha - Vera - Antas
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle Era Del Lugar, 214 min
- 6Walk toAntas30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Tabernas to Antas
Public transit stations close to Tabernas
Tabernas is located at Tabernas, Almeria and the nearest public transit station is Tabernas.
Bus stations close to Tabernas:
- Tabernas
Public transit stations close to Antas, Almeria
Antas is located at Antas, Almeria and the nearest public transit station is Al-820, 21.
Bus stations close to Antas:
- Al-820, 21
- Paseo Del Huerto, 16
- Avenida De La Virgen De La Cabeza, 18
Related Routes
- Viator to Antas
- Carboneras to Antas
- El Ejido to Antas
- Vícar to Antas
- Serón to Antas
- Turre to Antas
- Uleila Del Campo to Antas
- Vera to Antas
- Vélez-Rubio to Antas
- Zurgena to Antas
- Arboleas to Antas
- Cuevas Del Almanzora to Antas
- María to Antas
- Tabernas to Almería
- Tabernas to Pechina
- Tabernas to Viator
- Tabernas to Adra
- Tabernas to Berja
- Tabernas to El Ejido
- Tabernas to Gádor
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Tabernas to Antas?
The fastest way takes 81 minutes, using Bus line HO, Bus line L1.
Is there a direct bus between Tabernas and Antas in Almeria?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 21 min.
Which bus line goes from Tabernas to Antas in Almeria?
The HO bus line goes from Mojácar - Vera - Huércal Overa station near Tabernas to Estación De Autobuses De Vera station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Estación De Autobuses De Vera station near Antas in Almeria
How long does it take to travel from Tabernas to Antas in Almeria by bus?
The total travel time between Tabernas and Antas in Almeria by bus is about 1 hr 21 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Tabernas to get to Antas in Almeria?
Get on the HO bus from the Mojácar - Vera - Huércal Overa stop near Tabernas in Almeria.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Tabernas and Antas in Almeria?
Get off the bus at the Estación De Autobuses De Vera stop, which is closest to Antas in Almeria.
When is the last bus from Tabernas to Antas in Almeria?
The last bus from Tabernas to Antas in Almeria is the Almería - Mojácar - Vera - Huércal Overa line. It leaves the Tabernas stop at 4:23 PM.