How to get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari by bus?
From Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari by bus
To get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari in Uberlandia, take the E131 bus from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) station to Terminal Central (Plataforma A2 - Azul) station. Next, take the 3510 bus from Terminal Central - Área De Estocagem station to Mercado Municipal De Araguari station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 10 min. The ride fare is R$21.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2)
- 2Wait for busE131Terminal Central (Expresso)
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Central (Plataforma A2 - Azul)15 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Central - Área De Estocagem90 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus3510Araguari
- 6Ride to bus stationMercado Municipal De Araguari67 min
- 7Walk toAraguari240 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari by bus via A105 and 3510
To get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari in Uberlandia, take the A105 bus from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma B2) station to Terminal Central (Plataforma D1 - Verde) station. Next, take the 3510 bus from Terminal Central - Área De Estocagem station to Mercado Municipal De Araguari station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 31 min. The ride fare is R$21.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2)
- 2Wait for busA105Terminal Central (Via Estádio / Santa Mônica / 17º Bpm)
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Central (Plataforma D1 - Verde)36 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Central - Área De Estocagem160 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus3510Araguari
- 6Ride to bus stationMercado Municipal De Araguari67 min
- 7Walk toAraguari240 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari
Public transit stations close to Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2)
Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) is located at Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2), Uberlandia and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A1).
Bus stations close to Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2):
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A1)
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma B1)
- Terminal Santa Luzia - Área De Estocagem
Public transit stations close to Araguari, Uberlandia
Araguari is located at Araguari, Uberlandia and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Central (Mercado Municipal).
Bus stations close to Araguari:
- Terminal Central (Mercado Municipal)
- Terminal Central (Mercado Municipal) - Araguari
- Mercado Municipal - Araguari
Related Routes
- Amanhece to Araguari
- Martinesia to Araguari
- Miraporanga to Araguari
- Uberlândia to Araguari
- Terminal Umuarama (Plataforma A1) to Araguari
- Terminal Central (Plataforma D1 - Verde) to Araguari
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A1) to Araguari
- Terminal Umuarama (Plataforma A2) to Araguari
- Terminal Umuarama (Plataforma B2) to Araguari
- Terminal Novo Mundo (Plataforma A) to Araguari
- Avenida Marcos De Freitas Costa, 1055 to Araguari
- Praça Tubal Vilela to Araguari
- Avenida João Pinheiro, 2865 to Araguari
- Avenida João Pinheiro, 1566 to Araguari
- Próximo Uberlândia Shopping to Araguari
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Tapuirama
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Uberlândia
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Unitri
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Faculdade Pitágoras
- Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Umc Uberlândia Medical Center
Alternative route from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari by bus via A105 and 3510
To get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari in Uberlandia, take the A105 bus from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma B2) station to Terminal Central (Plataforma D1 - Verde) station. Next, take the 3510 bus from Terminal Central - Área De Estocagem station to Mercado Municipal De Araguari station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 31 min. The ride fare is R$21.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2)
- 2Wait for busA105Terminal Central (Via Estádio / Santa Mônica / 17º Bpm)
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Central (Plataforma D1 - Verde)36 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Central - Área De Estocagem160 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus3510Araguari
- 6Ride to bus stationMercado Municipal De Araguari67 min
- 7Walk toAraguari240 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari?
The fastest way takes 130 minutes, using Bus line E131, Bus line 3510.
What is the alternative route to get from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari?
The alternative route takes 151 minutes, using Bus line A105, Bus line 3510.
Is there a direct bus between Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) and Araguari?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari?
The E131 bus line goes from Terminal Central (Expresso) station near Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) in Uberlândia to Terminal Central (Plataforma A2 - Azul) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal Central (Plataforma A2 - Azul) station near Araguari in Uberlandia.
How long does it take to travel from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari by bus?
The total travel time between Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) in Uberlândia and Araguari in Uberlandia by bus is about 2 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to get to Araguari?
Get on the E131 bus from the Terminal Central (Expresso) stop near Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) in Uberlândia.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) and Araguari?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Central (Plataforma A2 - Azul) stop, which is closest to Araguari in Uberlandia.
How much is the bus fare from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari?
The ride from Terminal Santa Luzia (Plataforma A2) to Araguari costs R$21.20.