How to get from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara by bus?
From Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara by bus
Take one direct bus from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara: take the RODORIB / TCI (SHOPPING JARAGUÁ) bus from Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato station to Ponto Câmara Municipal station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPe. Francisco Salles Culturato240 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busRODORIB / TCI (SHOPPING JARAGUÁ)Lupo - Tci
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Câmara Municipal6 min
- 4Walk toAraraquara290 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara by bus via HORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOL
Take one direct bus from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara: take the HORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOL bus from Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato station to Ponto Câmara Municipal station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPe. Francisco Salles Culturato240 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busHORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOLTci (Saída Águas Do Paiol)
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Câmara Municipal6 min
- 4Walk toAraraquara290 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara
Public transit stations close to Voluntários Da Pátria
Voluntários Da Pátria is located at Voluntários Da Pátria, Araraquara and the nearest public transit station is Narcóticos.
Bus stations close to Voluntários Da Pátria:
- Narcóticos
- Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato
- Armando De Salles De Oliveira
Public transit stations close to Araraquara, Araraquara
Araraquara is located at Araraquara, Araraquara and the nearest public transit station is Ponto-Tci (Av. São Paulo) Desembarque.
Bus stations close to Araraquara:
- Ponto-Tci (Av. São Paulo) Desembarque
- Tci (Av. São Paulo)
- Tci (Av. Portugal)
Related Routes
- Barroso to Araraquara
- Ponto Igreja Universal to Araraquara
- Pe. José De Anchieta 116 to Araraquara
- Pe. José De Anchieta 302-498 to Araraquara
- Praça Do Macom 58-100 to Araraquara
- Alberto Santos Dumont to Araraquara
- Papa Paulo VI to Araraquara
- Para Paulo VI to Araraquara
- Luís Soler to Araraquara
- Lavineo De Arruda Falcão to Araraquara
- Eizo Kawakami to Araraquara
- Rua Dos Eletricitários to Araraquara
- Jesuino Ferreira Lopes to Araraquara
- José Segantini to Araraquara
- Dr. Lázaro Luíz Zamenhof to Araraquara
- Roberto José Fiore to Araraquara
- Edson Alberto Morandi to Araraquara
- Décio Damázio to Araraquara
- Orlando Jayme Donato to Araraquara
- Oswaldo Lopes to Araraquara
Alternative route from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara by bus via HORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOL
Take one direct bus from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara: take the HORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOL bus from Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato station to Ponto Câmara Municipal station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPe. Francisco Salles Culturato240 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busHORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOLTci (Saída Águas Do Paiol)
- 3Ride to bus stationPonto Câmara Municipal6 min
- 4Walk toAraraquara290 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara?
The fastest way takes 13 minutes, using Bus line RODORIB / TCI (SHOPPING JARAGUÁ).
What is the alternative route to get from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara?
The alternative route takes 13 minutes, using Bus line HORTÊNSIAS / ÁGUAS DO PAIOL.
Is there a direct bus between Voluntários Da Pátria and Araraquara in Araraquara?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara in 13 min.
Which bus line goes from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara?
The RODORIB / TCI (SHOPPING JARAGUÁ) bus line goes from Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato station near Voluntários Da Pátria to Lupo - Tci station near Araraquara in Araraquara.
How long does it take to travel from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara by bus?
The total travel time between Voluntários Da Pátria and Araraquara in Araraquara by bus is about 13 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Voluntários Da Pátria to get to Araraquara in Araraquara?
Get on the RODORIB / TCI (SHOPPING JARAGUÁ) bus from the Pe. Francisco Salles Culturato stop near Voluntários Da Pátria in Araraquara.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Voluntários Da Pátria and Araraquara in Araraquara?
Get off the bus at the Lupo - Tci stop, which is closest to Araraquara in Araraquara.
When is the first bus from Voluntários Da Pátria to Araraquara in Araraquara?