How to get from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb by bus?
From Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb by bus
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb in Brasília: take the 0.301 bus from Comercial N. | Santuário N. Sra. Perpétuo Socorro station to Via S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationComercial N. | Santuário N. Sra. Perpétuo SocorroID 2959150 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus0.301P Sul ↔️ SIG / W3 Sul / EPTG
- 3Ride to bus stationVia S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti24 min
- 4Walk toArena Brb1.48 km • 19 min
Alternative route from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb by bus via 0.555
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb in Brasília: take the 0.555 bus from Tag. Centro | LINHAS P/ BRASÍLIA station to Via S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTag. Centro | LINHAS P/ BRASÍLIA150 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus0.555|SEMIEXPRESSO| SIG / W3 Norte
- 3Ride to bus stationVia S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti27 min
- 4Walk toArena Brb1.48 km • 19 min
Public transit directions from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb
Public transit stations close to Praça Do Relógio
Praça Do Relógio is located at Praça Do Relógio, Brasília and the nearest public transit station is Tag. Centro | Praça do Relógio.
Subway stations close to Praça Do Relógio:
- Taguatinga Sul
- Águas Claras
- Concessionárias
Bus stations close to Praça Do Relógio:
- Tag. Centro | Praça do Relógio
- Discodil | LINHAS CIRCULARES R$: 2,70
Public transit stations close to Arena Brb, Brasília
Arena Brb is located at Arena Brb, Brasília and the nearest public transit station is Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário.
Subway stations close to Arena Brb:
- Central
- Galeria
- 102 Sul
Bus stations close to Arena Brb:
- Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário
- Via N1 | Palácio do Buriti / TCDF
Related Routes
- Furnas to Arena Brb
- Guará to Arena Brb
- Eixo L Sul | SQS 214/215 to Arena Brb
- ESPM | Linea Vitta to Arena Brb
- Praça Do Relógio to Candangolândia
- Praça Do Relógio to Novo Gama
- Praça Do Relógio to Santa Maria
- Praça Do Relógio to Santo Antônio Do Descoberto
- Praça Do Relógio to Valparaíso De Goiás
- Praça Do Relógio to Luziânia
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Municipal De Cidade Ocidental
- Praça Do Relógio to Universidade Católica De Brasília
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Das Clínicas
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Santa Marta - Hsm
- Praça Do Relógio to Posto De Saúde Vicente Pires
- Praça Do Relógio to Latam
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Público De Cidade Ocidental Go
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Particular
- Praça Do Relógio to Hospital Santa Lúcia Norte
Alternative route from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb by bus via 0.555
Take one direct bus from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb in Brasília: take the 0.555 bus from Tag. Centro | LINHAS P/ BRASÍLIA station to Via S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min. The ride fare is R$5.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTag. Centro | LINHAS P/ BRASÍLIA150 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus0.555|SEMIEXPRESSO| SIG / W3 Norte
- 3Ride to bus stationVia S1 | TJDFT / MPDFT / Palácio do Buriti27 min
- 4Walk toArena Brb1.48 km • 19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The fastest way takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 0.301.
What is the alternative route to get from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The alternative route takes 49 minutes, using Bus line 0.555.
Is there a direct bus between Praça Do Relógio and Arena Brb?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga to Arena Brb in Brasília in 46 min.
Which bus line goes from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The 0.301 bus line goes from Comercial N. | Santuário N. Sra. Perpétuo Socorro station near Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga to P Sul ↔️ SIG / W3 Sul / EPTG station near Arena Brb in Brasília.
How long does it take to travel from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb by bus?
The total travel time between Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga and Arena Brb in Brasília by bus is about 46 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Praça Do Relógio to get to Arena Brb?
Get on the 0.301 bus from the Comercial N. | Santuário N. Sra. Perpétuo Socorro stop near Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Praça Do Relógio and Arena Brb?
Get off the bus at the P Sul ↔️ SIG / W3 Sul / EPTG stop, which is closest to Arena Brb in Brasília.
When is the first bus from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The first bus from Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga to Arena Brb in Brasília is |CIRCULAR| P Sul / SIG / W3 Sul (Corredor EPTG). It leaves the Comercial N. | Santuário N. Sra. Perpétuo Socorro stop at 5:09 AM.
When is the first subway from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The first subway from Praça Do Relógio in Taguatinga to Arena Brb in Brasília is Ceilândia. It leaves the Praça Do Relógio station at 2:44 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb?
The ride from Praça Do Relógio to Arena Brb costs R$5.50.