How to get from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb by bus?
From W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb by bus
Take one direct bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília: take the 0.006 bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) station to Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 22 min. The ride fare is R$3.80.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationW3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC)
- 2Wait for bus0.006Terminal Asa Sul / W3 Sul ↔️ Sudoeste / Cruzeiro / SIG
- 3Ride to bus stationVia N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / PlanetárioID 3279 min
- 4Walk toArena Brb900 m • 12 min
Alternative route from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb by bus via 7081 and 0.330
To get from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília, take the 7081 bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) station to W3 Norte | 503 Norte (Santander / BRB) station. Next, take the 0.330 bus from W3 Norte | 703 Norte (Santander / BRB) station to Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationW3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC)
- 2Wait for bus7081W3 Sul E Norte / Via Parkshop
- 3Ride to bus stationW3 Norte | 503 Norte (Santander / BRB)ID 117910 min
- 4Walk to bus stationW3 Norte | 703 Norte (Santander / BRB)ID 252970 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus0.330QNQ-QNR / S. Nascente Tr. 3 / Ceil. Sul-Norte / EPTG
- 6Ride to bus stationVia N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / PlanetárioID 3279 min
- 7Walk toArena Brb900 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb
Public transit stations close to W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC)
W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) is located at W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC), Brasília and the nearest public transit station is W3 Sul | 703 Sul (UDF / Big Box).
Subway stations close to W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC):
- 102 Sul
- Galeria
- 106 Sul | Cine Brasília
Bus stations close to W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC):
- W3 Sul | 703 Sul (UDF / Big Box)
- W3 Sul | 503/504 Sul (UDF / Big Box)
- W3 Sul | 502 Sul (Santuário Dom Bosco)
Public transit stations close to Arena Brb, Brasília
Arena Brb is located at Arena Brb, Brasília and the nearest public transit station is W4 Norte | Colégio Militar.
Subway stations close to Arena Brb:
- Central
- Galeria
- 102 Sul
Bus stations close to Arena Brb:
- W4 Norte | Colégio Militar
- W5 Norte | Colégio Militar
- Via S1 | Parque Ana Lídia / Nicolandia / Eixo Ibero-Americano
Related Routes
- Furnas to Arena Brb
- Guará to Arena Brb
- Eixo L Sul | SQS 214/215 to Arena Brb
- ESPM | Linea Vitta to Arena Brb
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Ceilândia
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Cruzeiro
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Santo Antônio Do Descoberto
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Universidade Católica De Brasília
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Posto De Saúde Da 202
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Faculdade De Medicina Da UnB
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Institudo De Ciências Biológicas
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Uniprojeção Unidade II
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Benecap - Associação Beneficente da Capital Federal do Brasil
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Faculdade Projeção
- W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Faculdade Projeção
- W3 Sul | 503/504 Sul (UDF / Big Box) to Brazlândia
- W3 Sul | 503/504 Sul (UDF / Big Box) to Guará
- W3 Sul | 503/504 Sul (UDF / Big Box) to Luziânia
- W3 Sul | 503/504 Sul (UDF / Big Box) to Universidade Católica De Brasília
Alternative route from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb by bus via 7081 and 0.330
To get from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília, take the 7081 bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) station to W3 Norte | 503 Norte (Santander / BRB) station. Next, take the 0.330 bus from W3 Norte | 703 Norte (Santander / BRB) station to Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationW3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC)
- 2Wait for bus7081W3 Sul E Norte / Via Parkshop
- 3Ride to bus stationW3 Norte | 503 Norte (Santander / BRB)ID 117910 min
- 4Walk to bus stationW3 Norte | 703 Norte (Santander / BRB)ID 252970 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus0.330QNQ-QNR / S. Nascente Tr. 3 / Ceil. Sul-Norte / EPTG
- 6Ride to bus stationVia N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / PlanetárioID 3279 min
- 7Walk toArena Brb900 m • 12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb?
The fastest way takes 22 minutes, using Bus line 0.006.
What is the alternative route to get from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb?
The alternative route takes 32 minutes, using Bus line 7081, Bus line 0.330.
Is there a direct bus between W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) and Arena Brb in Brasília?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília in 22 min.
Which bus line goes from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília?
The 0.006 bus line goes from Terminal Asa Sul / W3 Sul ↔️ Sudoeste / Cruzeiro / SIG station near W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário station near Arena Brb in Brasília.
How long does it take to travel from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília by bus?
The total travel time between W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) and Arena Brb in Brasília by bus is about 22 min.
Where do I get on the bus near W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to get to Arena Brb in Brasília?
Get on the 0.006 bus from the Terminal Asa Sul / W3 Sul ↔️ Sudoeste / Cruzeiro / SIG stop near W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) in Brasília.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) and Arena Brb in Brasília?
Get off the bus at the Via N1 | Estádio / Ginásio / Centro De Convenções / Planetário stop, which is closest to Arena Brb in Brasília.
When is the first bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília?
The first bus from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb in Brasília is |ZEBRINHA| Terminal Asa Sul / W3 Sul / SIG / Sudoeste / Cruzeiro. It leaves the W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) stop at 5:02 AM.
How much is the bus fare from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb?
The ride from W3 Sul | 504/505 Sul (SESC) to Arena Brb costs R$3.80.