How to get from Castegnato to Arosio by bus and train?
From Castegnato to Arosio by bus and train
To get from Castegnato to Arosio in Milan and Lombardy, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 bus lines: take the R3 train from Castegnato station to Boario Terme station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the BS1 bus and finally take the Z221 bus from Sesto San Giovanni I Maggio-Fs-Stallo Z221 station to Giussano Umberto I/Roma station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 6 hr 38 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationCastegnato1.79 km • 23 min
- 2Wait for trainR3Edolo
- 3Ride to train stationBoario Terme67 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBoario Terme - Autostazione110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busBS1Sesto San Giovanni
- 6Ride to bus stationSesto S. G. - I Maggio108 min
- 7Walk to bus stationSesto San Giovanni I Maggio-Fs-Stallo Z221ID SSG05510 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for busZ221Mariano Fn/H-Via Isonzo
- 9Ride to bus stationGiussano Umberto I/RomaID GSN00358 min
- 10Walk toArosio2.27 km • 29 min
Public transit directions from Castegnato to Arosio
Public transit stations close to Castegnato
Castegnato is located at Castegnato, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Castegnato - Via Casella, Via Moretto.
Train stations close to Castegnato:
- Castegnato
- Brescia Violino
- Ospitaletto-Travagliato
Bus stations close to Castegnato:
- Castegnato - Via Casella, Via Moretto
- Castegnato - Via Casella, Via Merini
- Castegnato - Via Franchi, Via Serao
Public transit stations close to Arosio, Milan and Lombardy
Arosio is located at Arosio, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Carugo - Via Garibaldi, 66.
Train stations close to Arosio:
- Inverigo
- Mariano Comense
- Carugo-Giussano
Bus stations close to Arosio:
- Carugo - Via Garibaldi, 66
- Arosio - Via Marconi (Consorzio Agrario)
- Arosio - Piazza Montello
Related Routes
- Bormio to Arosio
- Livigno to Arosio
- Madesimo to Arosio
- Grosio to Arosio
- Ponte Di Legno to Arosio
- Temù to Arosio
- Sondalo to Arosio
- Valdidentro to Arosio
- Vione to Arosio
- Lago Di Lugano to Arosio
- Mezzovico-Vira to Arosio
- Lugano to Arosio
- Rivera to Arosio
- Borgosesia to Arosio
- Carisio to Arosio
- Carpignano Sesia to Arosio
- Gattinara to Arosio
- Mandello Vitta to Arosio
- Landiona to Arosio
- Lenta to Arosio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Castegnato to Arosio?
The fastest way takes 398 minutes, using Bus line R3, Bus line BS1, Bus line Z221.
Is there a direct train between Castegnato and Arosio in Milan and Lombardy?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 6 hr 38 min.
Which train line goes from Castegnato to Arosio in Milan and Lombardy?
The R3 train line goes from Castegnato station near Castegnato to Edolo station. From there you’ll have to take 2 bus lines till Edolo station near Arosio in Milan and Lombardy
How long does it take to travel from Castegnato to Arosio in Milan and Lombardy by train and bus?
The total travel time between Castegnato and Arosio in Milan and Lombardy by train and bus is about 6 hr 38 min.
Where do I get on the train near Castegnato to get to Arosio in Milan and Lombardy?
Get on the R3 train from the Castegnato station near Castegnato in Milan and Lombardy.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Castegnato and Arosio in Milan and Lombardy?
Get off the train at the Edolo stop, which is closest to Arosio in Milan and Lombardy.