How to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar by bus?
From Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar by bus
Take one direct bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar in Istanbul: take the 303A bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü station to İgs - Avcilar Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus303ASilivri Son Durak -İstanbul Üniversitesi
- 3Ride to bus stationİgs - Avcilar Yönü27 min
- 4Walk toAvcilar150 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar by bus via 429A
Take one direct bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar in Istanbul: take the 429A bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü station to İgs - Avcilar Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus429AKiraç-İstanbul Üniversitesi
- 3Ride to bus stationİgs - Avcilar Yönü27 min
- 4Walk toAvcilar150 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar
Public transit stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi
Cumhuriyet Mahallesi is located at Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Metrobüs - Gidiş Yönü.
Bus stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi:
- Cumhuriyet Mahallesi Metrobüs - Gidiş Yönü
- Bizimkent - Büyükçekmece Yönü
- Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - B.Çekmece Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Cumhuriyet Mahallesi:
- 1995. Sokak 34515
- 1997. Sokak 7
- 1993. Sokak 47
Public transit stations close to Avcilar, Istanbul
Avcilar is located at Avcilar, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is İgs.
Bus stations close to Avcilar:
- İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Avcilar Kampüsü
- Avcilar Anadolu Lisesi - Avcilar Yönü
- Esenyurt Yolu - Avcilar Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Avcilar:
- İgs
- Esenyurt Yolu
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Avcılar Kampüsü-3
Metrobus stations close to Avcilar:
- Cihangir Üniv. Mahallesi
Related Routes
- Taksim, Beyoğlu to Avcilar
- Gayrettepe, Beşiktaş to Avcilar
- Kuzguncuk, Üsküdar to Avcilar
- Maltepe to Avcilar
- Mecidiyeköy, Şişli to Avcilar
- Pendik to Avcilar
- Sancaktepe to Avcilar
- Sariyer to Avcilar
- Arnavutkoy to Avcilar
- Çatalca to Avcilar
- Bebek, Beşiktaş to Avcilar
- Zeynep Kamil, Üsküdar to Avcilar
- Otogar to Avcilar
- Sağmalcılar to Avcilar
- Bulgurlu to Avcilar
- Bağlarbaşı to Avcilar
- Ümraniye to Avcilar
- Necip Fazıl to Avcilar
- Dudullu to Avcilar
- Ihlamurkuyu to Avcilar
Alternative route from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar by bus via 429A
Take one direct bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar in Istanbul: take the 429A bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü station to İgs - Avcilar Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus429AKiraç-İstanbul Üniversitesi
- 3Ride to bus stationİgs - Avcilar Yönü27 min
- 4Walk toAvcilar150 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 303A.
What is the alternative route to get from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The alternative route takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 429A.
Is there a direct bus between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi and Avcilar?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Avcilar in Istanbul in 31 min.
Which bus line goes from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The 303A bus line goes from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü station near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Silivri Son Durak -İstanbul Üniversitesi station near Avcilar in Istanbul.
How long does it take to travel from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar by bus?
The total travel time between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu and Avcilar in Istanbul by bus is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to get to Avcilar?
Get on the 303A bus from the Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü stop near Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Cumhuriyet Mahallesi and Avcilar?
Get off the bus at the Silivri Son Durak -İstanbul Üniversitesi stop, which is closest to Avcilar in Istanbul.
When is the first Metrobus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The first Metrobus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Avcilar in Istanbul is Beylikdüzü - Cevizlibağ. It leaves the Cumhuriyet Mahallesi station at 3:02 AM.
When is the last Dolmus & Minibus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The last Dolmus & Minibus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Avcilar in Istanbul is the Küçükçekmece - Haramidere line. It leaves the Bizimkent station at 1:43 AM.
When is the first bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi to Avcilar?
The first bus from Cumhuriyet Mahallesi in Beylikduzu to Avcilar in Istanbul is SİLİVRİ - AVCILAR METROBÜS. It leaves the Cumhuriyet Mahallesi - Avcilar Yönü stop at 11:07 AM.