How to get from Bolzano to Avelengo by bus?
From Bolzano to Avelengo by bus
Take one direct bus from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento: take the 204 bus from Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Est A) station to Avelengo, Paese/Hafling, Dorf station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Est A)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus204Avelengo
- 3Ride to bus stationAvelengo, Paese/Hafling, Dorf81 min
- 4Walk toAvelengo740 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Bolzano to Avelengo
Public transit stations close to Bolzano
Bolzano is located at Bolzano, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Ovest B).
Train stations close to Bolzano:
- Bolzano/Bozen
- Bolzano Sud/Bozen Süd
Bus stations close to Bolzano:
- Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Ovest B)
- Bolzano Autostazione/Bozen Busbahnhof (Banchina A)
- Bolzano Autostazione/Bozen Busbahnhof (Banchina D)
Cable Car stations close to Bolzano:
- Funivia Del Renon - Stazione A Valle
- Campiglio, Stazione A Valle
- Colle, Stazione A Monte
Public transit stations close to Avelengo, Trento
Avelengo is located at Avelengo, Trento and the nearest public transit station is Paese - Dorf.
Bus stations close to Avelengo:
- Paese - Dorf
- Avelengo, Paese/Hafling, Dorf
- S.Caterina - St. Kathrein
Cable Car stations close to Avelengo:
- Wallpach - Valle
- Merano 2000, Stazione A Monte
- Naifjoch - Valle
Related Routes
- Verano to Avelengo
- Amblar to Avelengo
- Mezzana to Avelengo
- Bolzano to Cornedo All' Isarco
- Bolzano to San Martino In Passiria
- Bolzano to San Pancrazio
- Bolzano to Andalo
- Bolzano to Arsiè
- Bolzano to Bieno
- Bolzano to Bleggio Superiore
- Bolzano to Borgo Valsugana
- Bolzano to Bronzolo
- Bolzano to Campitello Di Fassa
- Bolzano to Canale D' Agordo
- Bolzano to Castello Tesino
- Bolzano to Cavalese
- Bolzano to Cembra
- Bolzano to Cles
- Bolzano to Croviana
- Bolzano to Daone
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bolzano to Avelengo?
The fastest way takes 93 minutes, using Bus line 204.
Is there a direct bus between Bolzano and Avelengo in Trento?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento in 1 hr 33 min.
Which bus line goes from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento?
The 204 bus line goes from Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Est A) station near Bolzano to Avelengo station near Avelengo in Trento.
How long does it take to travel from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento by bus?
The total travel time between Bolzano and Avelengo in Trento by bus is about 1 hr 33 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bolzano to get to Avelengo in Trento?
Get on the 204 bus from the Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Est A) stop near Bolzano in Trento.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bolzano and Avelengo in Trento?
Get off the bus at the Avelengo stop, which is closest to Avelengo in Trento.
When is the last bus from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento?
The last bus from Bolzano to Avelengo in Trento is the Avelengo-Verano-Meltina-Terlano-Bolzano line. It leaves the Bolzano Stazione/Bahnhof Bozen (Est A) stop at 8:08 PM.