How to get from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube by bus?
From Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube by bus
Take one direct bus from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi: take the NAV 3 bus from Strasbourg station to Lices Pompidou station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStrasbourg1.28 km • 17 min
- 2Wait for busNAV 3Lices Pompidou - Gare Albi-Madelaine
- 3Ride to bus stationLices Pompidou5 min
- 4Walk toBâtiment 10 - Le CubeAvenue François Verdier1.34 km • 18 min
Public transit directions from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
Public transit stations close to Place Perret
Place Perret is located at Place Perret, Albi and the nearest public transit station is Place Perret.
Bus stations close to Place Perret:
- Place Perret
- Augereau
- Cahuzac
Public transit stations close to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube, Albi
Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube is located at Avenue François Verdier, Albi and the nearest public transit station is Champollion.
Bus stations close to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube:
- Champollion
- Université
- Gare Albi-Ville
Related Routes
- Visitation to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Les Mines to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Soulages to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Albert Thomas to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Saint-Salvadou to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Pacifique to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Place Du 19 Mars to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Église to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- P+R Caussels to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Caussels to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Clinique Claude Bernard to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Abrial to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Herriot to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Saint-Martin to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Teyssier to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Balzac to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Jardin National to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Place Jean Jaurès to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
- Colonel Rolland to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line NAV 3.
Is there a direct bus between Place Perret and Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi in 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi?
The NAV 3 bus line goes from Strasbourg station near Place Perret to Lices Pompidou - Gare Albi-Madelaine station near Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi.
How long does it take to travel from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi by bus?
The total travel time between Place Perret and Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi by bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Place Perret to get to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi?
Get on the NAV 3 bus from the Strasbourg stop near Place Perret in Albi.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Place Perret and Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi?
Get off the bus at the Lices Pompidou - Gare Albi-Madelaine stop, which is closest to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi.
When is the first bus from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi?
The first bus from Place Perret to Bâtiment 10 - Le Cube in Albi is Navette 3 - Lices Pompidou / Gare Albi-Madelaine. It leaves the Strasbourg stop at 10:25 AM.