How to get from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque by bus?
From Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque by bus
Take one direct bus from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement: take the 72 bus from Plombières Arnal station to Hôpital St Joseph station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPlombières Arnal
- 2Wait for bus72Métro Rond Point Du Prado
- 3Ride to bus stationHôpital St JosephID RTM:PNT:0000409626 min
- 4Walk toBâtiment FouqueBoulevard Latil230 m • 3 min
From Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque by bus and metro
To get from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement, take the 32 bus from Plombières Arnal station to Métro Jules Guesde station. Next, take the M2 metro from Jules Guesde station to Rond-Point Du Prado station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPlombières ArnalID RTM:PNT:0000021970 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus32Canebière Bourse
- 3Ride to bus stationMétro Jules GuesdeID RTM:PNT:0000052513 min
- 4Walk to metro stationJules GuesdeID JUGU110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for metroM2Sainte-Marguerite Dromel
- 6Ride to metro stationRond-Point Du Prado8 min
- 7Walk toBâtiment FouqueBoulevard Latil380 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque
Public transit stations close to Plombières Arnal
Plombières Arnal is located at Plombières Arnal, Marseille, 8e Arrondissement and the nearest public transit station is Plombières Arnal.
Metro stations close to Plombières Arnal:
- Desirée Clary
- Bougainville
- National
Bus stations close to Plombières Arnal:
- Plombières Arnal
- Plombières Cubeddu
- Plombières Bon Secours
Public transit stations close to Bâtiment Fouque, Marseille, 8e Arrondissement
Bâtiment Fouque is located at Boulevard Latil, Marseille, 8e Arrondissement and the nearest public transit station is Prado Rodocanachi.
Metro stations close to Bâtiment Fouque:
- Rond-Point Du Prado
- Périer
- Sainte-Marguerite Dromel
Bus stations close to Bâtiment Fouque:
- Prado Rodocanachi
- Hôpital St Joseph
- Rouet Louvain
Related Routes
- Hôpital De La Timone to Bâtiment Fouque
- Plombières Arnal to Crillon-Le-Brave
- Plombières Arnal to Châteaurenard
- Plombières Arnal to Arènes Des Paluds De Noves
- Collège Gyptis to La Mède
- Collège Gyptis to Aubagne
- Collège Gyptis to La Duranne
- Collège Gyptis to Centre Hospitalier Du Pays D'Aix
- Collège Gyptis to Avignon Université - Campus Jean-Henri Fabre
- Collège Gyptis to Campus Santé Timone
- Collège Gyptis to Institut National Supérieur Du Professorat Et De L'Éducation (Site D'Aix-En-Provence)
- Collège Gyptis to Iut D'Aix-Marseille (Site Gaston Berger)
- Collège Gyptis to Faculté Des Arts, Lettres, Langues Et Sciences Humaines - Site Schuman
- Collège Gyptis to Lycée Montmajour Et Perdiguier
- Collège Gyptis to Faculté De Droit Et De Science Politique - Site Schuman
- Collège Gyptis to Institut De Neurosciences De La Timone
- Collège Gyptis to Faculté Des Sciences - Site Aix-Montperrin
- Collège Gyptis to Faculté De Saint-Jérôme
- Collège Gyptis to Aix-Marseille Université - Campus De Saint-Charles
- Collège Gyptis to Iut D'Arles
From Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque by bus and metro
To get from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement, take the 32 bus from Plombières Arnal station to Métro Jules Guesde station. Next, take the M2 metro from Jules Guesde station to Rond-Point Du Prado station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPlombières ArnalID RTM:PNT:0000021970 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus32Canebière Bourse
- 3Ride to bus stationMétro Jules GuesdeID RTM:PNT:0000052513 min
- 4Walk to metro stationJules GuesdeID JUGU110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for metroM2Sainte-Marguerite Dromel
- 6Ride to metro stationRond-Point Du Prado8 min
- 7Walk toBâtiment FouqueBoulevard Latil380 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque?
The fastest way takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 72.
What is the alternative route to get from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque?
The alternative route takes 33 minutes, using Bus line 32, Bus line M2.
Is there a direct bus between Plombières Arnal and Bâtiment Fouque?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Plombières Arnal in Marseille to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement in 30 min.
Which bus line goes from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque?
The 72 bus line goes from Métro Rond Point Du Prado station near Plombières Arnal in Marseille to Hôpital St Joseph station near Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement.
How long does it take to travel from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque by bus?
The total travel time between Plombières Arnal in Marseille and Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement by bus is about 30 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Plombières Arnal to get to Bâtiment Fouque?
Get on the 72 bus from the Métro Rond Point Du Prado stop near Plombières Arnal in Marseille.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Plombières Arnal and Bâtiment Fouque?
Get off the bus at the Hôpital St Joseph stop, which is closest to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement.
When is the first metro from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque?
The first metro from Plombières Arnal in Marseille to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement is Gèze - Sainte-marguerite Dromel. It leaves the National station at 8:19 AM.
When is the last bus from Plombières Arnal to Bâtiment Fouque?
The last bus from Plombières Arnal in Marseille to Bâtiment Fouque in Marseille, 8e Arrondissement is the Canebière Bourse - Foch 5 Avenues line. It leaves the Bernard Clovis Hugues stop at 3:03 AM.