How to get from Şişhane to Bagcilar by bus?
From Şişhane to Bagcilar by bus
Take one direct bus from Şişhane to Bagcilar in Istanbul: take the 89C bus from Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü station to Yüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min. The ride fare is TRY27.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationŞişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü180 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus89Cİett İkitelli Garaji -İett İkitelli Garaji
- 3Ride to bus stationYüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü35 min
- 4Walk toBagcilar150 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Şişhane to Bagcilar by bus via 87 and 97GE
To get from Şişhane to Bagcilar in Istanbul, take the 87 bus from Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü station to Unkapani - Aksaray Yönü station. Next, take the 97GE bus from Unkapani - Aksaray Yönü station to Yüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min. The ride fare is TRY46.33.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationŞişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü180 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus87Topkapi -Topkapi
- 3Ride to bus stationUnkapani - Aksaray Yönü5 min
- 4Wait for bus97GE15 Temmuz Mahallesi Aile Sağliği Merkezi -Selen Sokak
- 5Ride to bus stationYüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü29 min
- 6Walk toBagcilar150 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Şişhane to Bagcilar
Public transit stations close to Şişhane
Şişhane is located at Şişhane, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Azapkapi-Haliç Metro - Karaköy Yönü.
Metro stations close to Şişhane:
- Beyoğlu - Tünel
Bus stations close to Şişhane:
- Azapkapi-Haliç Metro - Karaköy Yönü
- Perşembe Pazari - Karaköy Yönü
- Tepebaşi - Unkapani Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Şişhane:
- Şişhane
- Şişhane-2
- Şişhane Minibüs
Public transit stations close to Bagcilar, Istanbul
Bagcilar is located at Bagcilar, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Ziya Gökalp Ortaokulu - Yüzyil Köprüsü Yönü.
Bus stations close to Bagcilar:
- Ziya Gökalp Ortaokulu - Yüzyil Köprüsü Yönü
- Oruçreis Mahallesi - Giyimkent Yönü
- Barbaros Caddesi - 42 Evler Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Bagcilar:
- Yüzyil Köprüsü - Bağcilar Yönü
- Barbaros Caddesi - 100. Yüzyıl Köprüsü Yönü
- Matbaacılar Caddesi
Related Routes
- Tuzla to Bagcilar
- Göztepe, Kadıköy to Bagcilar
- Kartal to Bagcilar
- Kirazlıtepe, Üsküdar to Bagcilar
- Kuruçeşme, Beşiktaş to Bagcilar
- Maltepe to Bagcilar
- Marmaraereğlisi to Bagcilar
- Mecidiyeköy, Şişli to Bagcilar
- Adalar to Bagcilar
- Aksaray, Fatih to Bagcilar
- Caddebostan, Kadıköy to Bagcilar
- Karamürsel to Bagcilar
- Nispetiye to Bagcilar
- Kocatepe to Bagcilar
- Tavşantepe to Bagcilar
- Çakmak to Bagcilar
- Feneryolu to Bagcilar
- Erenköy to Bagcilar
- Suadiye to Bagcilar
- Taksim Tünel to Bagcilar
Alternative route from Şişhane to Bagcilar by bus via 87 and 97GE
To get from Şişhane to Bagcilar in Istanbul, take the 87 bus from Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü station to Unkapani - Aksaray Yönü station. Next, take the 97GE bus from Unkapani - Aksaray Yönü station to Yüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min. The ride fare is TRY46.33.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationŞişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü180 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus87Topkapi -Topkapi
- 3Ride to bus stationUnkapani - Aksaray Yönü5 min
- 4Wait for bus97GE15 Temmuz Mahallesi Aile Sağliği Merkezi -Selen Sokak
- 5Ride to bus stationYüzyil Köprüsü - İstoç Yönü29 min
- 6Walk toBagcilar150 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Şişhane to Bagcilar?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 89C.
What is the alternative route to get from Şişhane to Bagcilar?
The alternative route takes 39 minutes, using Bus line 87, Bus line 97GE.
Is there a direct bus between Şişhane and Bagcilar?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Bagcilar in Istanbul in 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Şişhane to Bagcilar?
The 89C bus line goes from Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü station near Şişhane in Beyoğlu to İett İkitelli Garaji -İett İkitelli Garaji station near Bagcilar in Istanbul.
How long does it take to travel from Şişhane to Bagcilar by bus?
The total travel time between Şişhane in Beyoğlu and Bagcilar in Istanbul by bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Şişhane to get to Bagcilar?
Get on the 89C bus from the Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü stop near Şişhane in Beyoğlu.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Şişhane and Bagcilar?
Get off the bus at the İett İkitelli Garaji -İett İkitelli Garaji stop, which is closest to Bagcilar in Istanbul.
When is the last bus from Şişhane to Bagcilar?
The last bus from Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Bagcilar in Istanbul is the İETT İKİTELLİ GARAJI-TAKSİM line. It leaves the Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü stop at 4:12 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Şişhane to Bagcilar?
The ride from Şişhane to Bagcilar costs TRY27.00.