How to get from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih by bus?
From Şişhane to Balat, Fatih by bus
Take one direct bus from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul: take the 55T bus from Şişhane 3 - Unkapani Yönü station to Fener - Eyüp Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 12 min. The ride fare is TRY27.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationŞişhane 3 - Unkapani Yönü220 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus55TGaziosmanpaşa -Gaziosmanpaşa
- 3Ride to bus stationFener - Eyüp Yönü8 min
- 4Walk toBalat, Fatih40 m • 1 min
From Şişhane to Balat, Fatih by bus and metro
To get from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul, take the M2 metro from Şişhane station to Haliç station. Next, take the 99A bus from Eminönü - Sahil Yönü station to Fener - Eyüp Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min. The ride fare is TRY46.33.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationŞişhane
- 2Wait for metroM2Yenikapı
- 3Ride to metro stationHaliç2 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEminönü - Sahil Yönü120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus99AGaziosmanpaşa -Gaziosmanpaşa
- 6Ride to bus stationFener - Eyüp Yönü7 min
- 7Walk toBalat, Fatih40 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih
Public transit stations close to Şişhane
Şişhane is located at Şişhane, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Tünel.
Metro stations close to Şişhane:
- Beyoğlu - Tünel
Bus stations close to Şişhane:
- Şişhane2 - Taksim Yönü
- Şişhane 1 - Unkapani Yönü
- Tepebaşi - Unkapani Yönü
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Şişhane:
- Şişhane Minibüs
- Şişhane-2
- Şişhane
Public transit stations close to Balat, Fatih, Istanbul
Balat, Fatih is located at Balat, Fatih, Istanbul and the nearest public transit station is Abdisubaşi Mahallesi - Çarşamba Yönü.
Bus stations close to Balat, Fatih:
- Abdisubaşi Mahallesi - Çarşamba Yönü
- Ali Naki Sokak - Fatih Yönü
- Abdisubaşi Mahallesi - Balat Yönü
Ferry stations close to Balat, Fatih:
- Balat
- Fener
Dolmus & Minibus stations close to Balat, Fatih:
- Yeni Çeşme
Related Routes
- Sultangazi to Balat, Fatih
- Gaziosmanpasa to Balat, Fatih
- Gebze to Balat, Fatih
- Kagithane to Balat, Fatih
- Küçüksu, Üsküdar to Balat, Fatih
- Kuzguncuk, Üsküdar to Balat, Fatih
- Kozyatağı, Kadıköy to Balat, Fatih
- Mecidiyeköy, Şişli to Balat, Fatih
- Sancaktepe to Balat, Fatih
- Menderes to Balat, Fatih
- Bağcılar Meydan (M1b) to Balat, Fatih
- Çakmak to Balat, Fatih
- Çekmeköy to Balat, Fatih
- Feneryolu to Balat, Fatih
- Taksim Tünel to Balat, Fatih
- Kağıthane (M7) to Balat, Fatih
- Alibeyköy (M7) to Balat, Fatih
- Kazım Karabekir to Balat, Fatih
- Kabataş to Balat, Fatih
- Söğütlüçeşme to Balat, Fatih
From Şişhane to Balat, Fatih by bus and metro
To get from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul, take the M2 metro from Şişhane station to Haliç station. Next, take the 99A bus from Eminönü - Sahil Yönü station to Fener - Eyüp Yönü station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min. The ride fare is TRY46.33.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationŞişhane
- 2Wait for metroM2Yenikapı
- 3Ride to metro stationHaliç2 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEminönü - Sahil Yönü120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus99AGaziosmanpaşa -Gaziosmanpaşa
- 6Ride to bus stationFener - Eyüp Yönü7 min
- 7Walk toBalat, Fatih40 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The fastest way takes 12 minutes, using Bus line 55T.
What is the alternative route to get from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The alternative route takes 20 minutes, using Bus line M2, Bus line 99A.
Is there a direct bus between Şişhane and Balat, Fatih?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul in 12 min.
Which bus line goes from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The 55T bus line goes from Şişhane 3 - Unkapani Yönü station near Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Gaziosmanpaşa -Gaziosmanpaşa station near Balat, Fatih in Istanbul.
How long does it take to travel from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih by bus?
The total travel time between Şişhane in Beyoğlu and Balat, Fatih in Istanbul by bus is about 12 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Şişhane to get to Balat, Fatih?
Get on the 55T bus from the Şişhane 3 - Unkapani Yönü stop near Şişhane in Beyoğlu.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Şişhane and Balat, Fatih?
Get off the bus at the Gaziosmanpaşa -Gaziosmanpaşa stop, which is closest to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul.
When is the first bus from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The first bus from Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul is GAZİOSMANPAŞA - TAKSİM. It leaves the Şişhane 3 - Unkapani Yönü stop at 11:03 AM.
When is the first metro from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The first metro from Şişhane in Beyoğlu to Balat, Fatih in Istanbul is Yenikapı-Seyrantepe-Hacıosman. It leaves the Şişhane station at 3:02 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih?
The ride from Şişhane to Balat, Fatih costs TRY27.00.