How to get from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú by bus?
From Itapema to Balneário Camboriú by bus
Take one direct bus from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region: take the 52-1 bus from Praça Da Paz - Norte station to Av. Do Estado, 97 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 60 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPraça Da Paz - Norte790 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for bus52-1Itajaí - Porto Belo Via Itapema / Balneário Camboriú
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Do Estado, 9748 min
- 4Walk toBalneário Camboriú130 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú
Public transit stations close to Itapema
Itapema is located at Itapema, Itajai Region and the nearest public transit station is Rua Setecentos E Seis, 99.
Bus stations close to Itapema:
- Rua Setecentos E Seis, 99
- Rua Setecentos E Seis, 68
- Rua Setecentos E Seis, 279-333
Public transit stations close to Balneário Camboriú, Itajai Region
Balneário Camboriú is located at Balneário Camboriú, Itajai Region and the nearest public transit station is Av. Carlos Drummond Andrade, 858.
Bus stations close to Balneário Camboriú:
- Av. Carlos Drummond Andrade, 858
- Av. Osvaldo Reis, 3457
- Av. Osvaldo Reis, 3342
Related Routes
- Ilhota to Balneário Camboriú
- Itajaí to Balneário Camboriú
- Navegantes to Balneário Camboriú
- Camboriú to Balneário Camboriú
- Brusque to Balneário Camboriú
- Terminal Rodoviário De Balneário Camboriú to Balneário Camboriú
- Itapema to Ilhota
- Itapema to Itajaí
- Itapema to Camboriú
- Itapema to Bombinhas
- Itapema to Porto Belo
- Porto Belo to Ilhota
- Porto Belo to Camboriú
- Porto Belo to Bombinhas
- Rua Alberto Muller, 5925-9275 to Brusque
- Rua Alberto Muller, 5925-9275 to Centro Universitário De Brusque
- Rua Augusto Klapoth, 1648-1734 to Brusque
- Rua Alberto Müller, 7320-7426 to Brusque
- Rua Nicolau Kohler, 280 to Brusque
- Rua Nicolau Kohler, 280 to Centro Universitário De Brusque
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú?
The fastest way takes 60 minutes, using Bus line 52-1.
Is there a direct bus between Itapema and Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region in 60 min.
Which bus line goes from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region?
The 52-1 bus line goes from Praça Da Paz - Norte station near Itapema to Itajaí - Porto Belo Via Itapema / Balneário Camboriú station near Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region.
How long does it take to travel from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region by bus?
The total travel time between Itapema and Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region by bus is about 60 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Itapema to get to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region?
Get on the 52-1 bus from the Praça Da Paz - Norte stop near Itapema in Itajai Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Itapema and Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region?
Get off the bus at the Itajaí - Porto Belo Via Itapema / Balneário Camboriú stop, which is closest to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region.
When is the first bus from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region?
The first bus from Itapema to Balneário Camboriú in Itajai Region is Porto Belo / Itajaí. It leaves the Praça Da Paz - Norte stop at 6:11 AM.