How to get from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera by bus?
From Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera by bus
Take one direct bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué: take the 106 bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta station to Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUno Norte - Puente Quinta
- 2Wait for bus106Troncos Viejos - Ojos De Agua
- 3Ride to bus stationLos Carrera - Caupolican / Sur16 min
- 4Walk toBanmedica Clinica Los CarreraCaupolican 95380 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera by bus via 101
Take one direct bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué: take the 101 bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta station to Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUno Norte - Puente Quinta
- 2Wait for bus101Belloto Norte- Peñablanca
- 3Ride to bus stationLos Carrera - Caupolican / Sur22 min
- 4Walk toBanmedica Clinica Los CarreraCaupolican 95380 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera
Public transit stations close to Uno Norte - Puente Quinta
Uno Norte - Puente Quinta is located at Uno Norte - Puente Quinta, Quilpué and the nearest public transit station is Miramar.
Metro stations close to Uno Norte - Puente Quinta:
- Miramar
- Viña Del Mar
- Recreo
Bus stations close to Uno Norte - Puente Quinta:
- Plaza Sucre
- Plaza Sucre, 250
- Viana, 645
Public transit stations close to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera, Quilpué
Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera is located at Caupolican 953, Quilpué and the nearest public transit station is Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur.
Metro stations close to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera:
- Las Américas
- Quilpué
- El Belloto
Bus stations close to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera:
- Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur
- San Martin - Samuel Valencia / Sur
- Los Carreras 1422 - 1448
Related Routes
- Osman Pérez Freire, 1260 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Fabres 3050 - 3098 / Este to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Pasaje Cinabrio, 399 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Mateo De Toro Y Zambrano - Los Raullies to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- O'Higgins - Vergara to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- O'Higgins - Vergara to Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- San Enrrique - Yungay to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Fin 125 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Ramon Angel Jara - Rio Cachapoal to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Aníbal Pinto - Andres Bello to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- El Belloto 1126 - 1196 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Pdte. Gabriel Gonzalez Videla - Peyronet to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Madrid - Caupolican to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Tierras Rojas - Pje 615 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Troncos Viejos - Psje 808 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Julio Velasco - San Francisco / Oeste to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Antofagasta, 1452 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Las Barrancas, 2724 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Troncos Viejos, 450 to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Viña Del Mar)
- Buenos Aires - Peyronet to Universidad Andrés Bello (Campus Los Castaños)
Alternative route from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera by bus via 101
Take one direct bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué: take the 101 bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta station to Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationUno Norte - Puente Quinta
- 2Wait for bus101Belloto Norte- Peñablanca
- 3Ride to bus stationLos Carrera - Caupolican / Sur22 min
- 4Walk toBanmedica Clinica Los CarreraCaupolican 95380 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
The fastest way takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 106.
What is the alternative route to get from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 101.
Is there a direct bus between Uno Norte - Puente Quinta and Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué in 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
The 106 bus line goes from Troncos Viejos - Ojos De Agua station near Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur station near Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué.
How long does it take to travel from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera by bus?
The total travel time between Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar and Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué by bus is about 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to get to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
Get on the 106 bus from the Troncos Viejos - Ojos De Agua stop near Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Uno Norte - Puente Quinta and Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
Get off the bus at the Los Carrera - Caupolican / Sur stop, which is closest to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué.
When is the first bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
The first bus from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué is Ojos De Agua - Playa Ancha. It leaves the Uno Norte - Puente Quinta stop at 3:17 AM.
When is the first metro from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera?
The first metro from Uno Norte - Puente Quinta in Valparaiso y Vina del Mar to Banmedica Clinica Los Carrera in Quilpué is Limache-Puerto. It leaves the Viña Del Mar station at 3:28 AM.