How to get from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano by train?
From ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano by train
Take one direct train from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy: take the R4 train from Romano station to Morengo Bariano station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min. The ride fare is €1.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationRomano780 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for trainR4Milano Greco Pirelli
- 3Ride to train stationMorengo Bariano4 min
- 4Walk toBariano1.17 km • 15 min
Public transit directions from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano
Public transit stations close to ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA
ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA is located at ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Romano - Via Duca D'Aosta, 111.
Train stations close to ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA:
- Romano
Bus stations close to ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA:
- Romano - Via Duca D'Aosta, 111
- Romano - Via Indipendenza
- Romano - Via Piave
Public transit stations close to Bariano, Milan and Lombardy
Bariano is located at Bariano, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Bariano - Via Romano.
Train stations close to Bariano:
- Romano
Bus stations close to Bariano:
- Bariano - Via Romano
- Bariano - Via Locatelli, Bivio Romano
- Bariano - Via Locatelli (Poste)
Related Routes
- Bormio to Bariano
- Capovalle to Bariano
- Collio to Bariano
- Idro to Bariano
- Marmentino to Bariano
- Gargnano to Bariano
- Lavenone to Bariano
- Limone Sul Garda to Bariano
- Livigno to Bariano
- Grosio to Bariano
- Ponte Di Legno to Bariano
- Temù to Bariano
- Tignale to Bariano
- Sondalo to Bariano
- Valdidentro to Bariano
- Vione to Bariano
- Mezzovico-Vira to Bariano
- Lugano to Bariano
- Rivera to Bariano
- Borgosesia to Bariano
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano?
The fastest way takes 32 minutes, using Bus line R4.
Is there a direct train between ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA and Bariano in Milan and Lombardy?
Yes, there is a direct train going from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy in 32 min.
Which train line goes from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy?
The R4 train line goes from Romano station near ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Milano Greco Pirelli station near Bariano in Milan and Lombardy.
How long does it take to travel from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy by train?
The total travel time between ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA and Bariano in Milan and Lombardy by train is about 32 min.
Where do I get on the train near ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to get to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy?
Get on the R4 train from the Romano station near ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA in Milan and Lombardy.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA and Bariano in Milan and Lombardy?
Get off the train at the Milano Greco Pirelli station, which is closest to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy.
When is the first train from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy?
The first train from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano in Milan and Lombardy is Brescia - Treviglio - Milano. It leaves the Romano station at 6:08 AM.
How much is the train fare from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano?
The ride from ROMANO DI LOMBARDIA to Bariano costs €1.40.