How to get from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru by bus?
From Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru by bus
Take one direct bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru: take the 5403 bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Impar station to Rodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par
- 2Wait for bus5403Duque / Cerejeiras Via Rodrigues Alves
- 3Ride to bus stationRodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar9 min
- 4Walk toBauru790 m • 11 min
Alternative route from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru by bus via 3542
Take one direct bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru: take the 3542 bus from Joaquim M. Figueiredo Qd.02 Impar station to Rodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 26 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJoaquim M. Figueiredo Qd.02 Impar460 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus3542Edson F. Silva
- 3Ride to bus stationRodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar9 min
- 4Walk toBauru790 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru
Public transit stations close to Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par
Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par is located at Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par, Bauru and the nearest public transit station is Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Impar.
Bus stations close to Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par:
- Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Impar
- Sao Lucas Qd-01 Impar
- São Valentim Qd. 02 Impar
Public transit stations close to Bauru, Bauru
Bauru is located at Bauru, Bauru and the nearest public transit station is Osvaldo Caçador Qd. 03 Par.
Bus stations close to Bauru:
- Osvaldo Caçador Qd. 03 Par
- Aparecida Qd.11 Par
- Aparecida Qd.11 Impar
Related Routes
- José Postingue Qd.04 Impar to Bauru
- Wenceslau Braz Qd. 07 Par to Bauru
- Alziro Zarur Qd.08 Par to Bauru
- Alziro Zarur - Qd. 01 Par to Bauru
- Nilo Peçanha Qd.10 Impar to Bauru
- Distrito Industrial Ii/ Maurita V. Malmonge Qd.02 to Bauru
- Campus / Eng. Luiz Edmundo C. Coube Qd-08 Par to Bauru
- Alameda General Lima De Figueiredo Qd-03 Impar to Bauru
- Granja Ito-Jaraguá/Arnaldo Rodrigues De Menezes Qd. 20 Impar to Bauru
- Guilherme Ranche Qd-02 to Bauru
- Nações Unidas Qd. 53 (Sorri) to Bauru
- Araújo Leite Qd. 13 Impar to Bauru
- Nossa Senhora De Fátima Qd-06 Par to Bauru
- Castelo Branco Qd. 29 Par to Bauru
- Rua Campos Salles, Qd-10 Impar to Bauru
- Rua Campos Salles, Qd-10 Impar to Radar Unesp
- Rodrigues Alves Qd. 07 Impar to Posto De Saúde Nova Esperança
- Rua Fernando Ávila Parra Qd-03 to Ipmet Unesp Bauru
- Rua Joaquim De Micheli, 105 to Radar Unesp
- R. Maria Ismênia Vieira Cabestre to Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp
Alternative route from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru by bus via 3542
Take one direct bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru: take the 3542 bus from Joaquim M. Figueiredo Qd.02 Impar station to Rodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 26 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJoaquim M. Figueiredo Qd.02 Impar460 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus3542Edson F. Silva
- 3Ride to bus stationRodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar9 min
- 4Walk toBauru790 m • 11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru?
The fastest way takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 5403.
What is the alternative route to get from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru?
The alternative route takes 26 minutes, using Bus line 3542.
Is there a direct bus between Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par and Bauru in Bauru?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru in 20 min.
Which bus line goes from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru?
The 5403 bus line goes from Duque / Cerejeiras Via Rodrigues Alves station near Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Rodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar station near Bauru in Bauru.
How long does it take to travel from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru by bus?
The total travel time between Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par and Bauru in Bauru by bus is about 20 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to get to Bauru in Bauru?
Get on the 5403 bus from the Duque / Cerejeiras Via Rodrigues Alves stop near Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par in Bauru.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par and Bauru in Bauru?
Get off the bus at the Rodrigues Alves Qd-21 Impar stop, which is closest to Bauru in Bauru.
When is the last bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru?
The last bus from Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Par to Bauru in Bauru is the José Regino - Duque / Cerejeiras line. It leaves the Eng Hélio Police Qd.02 Impar stop at 4:24 AM.