How to get from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista by bus?
From Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista by bus
Take one direct bus from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region: take the 077 PARANGABA / MUCURIPE bus from Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz station to Avenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela Vista station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min. The ride fare is R$4.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz130 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus077 PARANGABA / MUCURIPETerminal Parangaba
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela VistaID 92648 min
Alternative route from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista by bus via 752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTRO and 038 PARANGABA / PAPICU
To get from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region, take the 752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTRO bus from Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz station to Avenida Dom Manuel, 470 - Centro station. Next, take the 038 PARANGABA / PAPICU bus from Avenida Dom Manuel, 470 - Centro station to Avenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela Vista station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min. The ride fare is R$4.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz130 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTROCentro
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Dom Manuel, 470 - CentroID 15128 min
- 4Wait for bus038 PARANGABA / PAPICUTerminal Parangaba
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela VistaID 92622 min
Public transit directions from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista
Public transit stations close to Cais Do Porto
Cais Do Porto is located at Cais Do Porto, Fortaleza Region and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1201 - Cais Do Porto.
Bus stations close to Cais Do Porto:
- Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1201 - Cais Do Porto
- Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz
- Avenida César Cals, 100 - Cais Do Porto
Public transit stations close to Bela Vista, Fortaleza Region
Bela Vista is located at Bela Vista, Fortaleza Region and the nearest public transit station is Avenida João Pessoa, 5585 - Bela Vista.
Metro stations close to Bela Vista:
- Padre Cícero
- Porangabussu
- Juscelino Kubitschek
Bus stations close to Bela Vista:
- Avenida João Pessoa, 5585 - Bela Vista
- Avenida João Pessoa | Imparh - Montese
- Avenida João Pessoa | Rafrow - Couto Fernandes
Related Routes
- Fátima to Bela Vista
- Granja Lisboa to Bela Vista
- Jacarecanga to Bela Vista
- Aerolândia to Bela Vista
- Bonsucesso to Bela Vista
- Pindoretama to Bela Vista
- Rua Meton De Alencar | Seletivo (011/033/039/074/086/725) - Centro to Bela Vista
- Avenida Duque De Caxias, 808 - Centro to Bela Vista
- Avenida Duque De Caxias, S/N - Centro to Bela Vista
- Avenida João Pessoa | Seletivo (Metropolitano) - Demócrito Rocha to Bela Vista
- Cais Do Porto to Henrique Jorge
- Cais Do Porto to Horizonte
- Cais Do Porto to Aquiraz
- Cais Do Porto to Cidade 2000
- Cais Do Porto to Sapupara
- Cais Do Porto to Serrote
- Cais Do Porto to Papicu
- Cais Do Porto to Paraipaba
- Cais Do Porto to Poco Doce
- Cais Do Porto to São João Do Amanari
Alternative route from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista by bus via 752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTRO and 038 PARANGABA / PAPICU
To get from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region, take the 752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTRO bus from Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz station to Avenida Dom Manuel, 470 - Centro station. Next, take the 038 PARANGABA / PAPICU bus from Avenida Dom Manuel, 470 - Centro station to Avenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela Vista station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min. The ride fare is R$4.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAvenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz130 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTROCentro
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Dom Manuel, 470 - CentroID 15128 min
- 4Wait for bus038 PARANGABA / PAPICUTerminal Parangaba
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida João Pessoa, 5412 - Bela VistaID 92622 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista?
The fastest way takes 51 minutes, using Bus line 077 PARANGABA / MUCURIPE.
What is the alternative route to get from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista?
The alternative route takes 54 minutes, using Bus line 752 CAÇA E PESCA / CENTRO, Bus line 038 PARANGABA / PAPICU.
Is there a direct bus between Cais Do Porto and Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region in 51 min.
Which bus line goes from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region?
The 077 PARANGABA / MUCURIPE bus line goes from Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz station near Cais Do Porto to Terminal Parangaba station near Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region.
How long does it take to travel from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region by bus?
The total travel time between Cais Do Porto and Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region by bus is about 51 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Cais Do Porto to get to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region?
Get on the 077 PARANGABA / MUCURIPE bus from the Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz stop near Cais Do Porto in Fortaleza Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Cais Do Porto and Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Parangaba stop, which is closest to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region.
When is the first bus from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region?
The first bus from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista in Fortaleza Region is Parangaba / Mucuripe. It leaves the Avenida Zezé Diogo, 1089 - Serviluz stop at 5:05 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista?
The ride from Cais Do Porto to Bela Vista costs R$4.50.