How to get from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer by bus?
From Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer by bus
Take one direct bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer: take the 143 bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot station to Navarin Ulco station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMairie Neufchatel-Hardelot
- 2Wait for bus143Etablissements Scolaires
- 3Ride to bus stationNavarin Ulco47 min
- 4Walk toBoulogne sur Mer660 m • 9 min
Alternative route from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer by bus via SAD4 and 53
To get from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, take the SAD4 bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot station to Le Pavé station. Next, take the 53 bus from Le Pavé station to Navarin Ulco station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMairie Neufchatel-Hardelot
- 2Wait for busSAD4Les Quesnelets
- 3Ride to bus stationLe Pavé17 min
- 4Wait for bus53Etablissements Scolaires
- 5Ride to bus stationNavarin Ulco23 min
- 6Walk toBoulogne sur Mer660 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer
Public transit stations close to Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot
Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot is located at Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot, Boulogne-Sur-Mer and the nearest public transit station is 4 Coins.
Bus stations close to Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot:
- 4 Coins
- Gare De Neufchatel
- La Forge
Public transit stations close to Boulogne sur Mer, Boulogne-Sur-Mer
Boulogne sur Mer is located at Boulogne sur Mer, Boulogne-Sur-Mer and the nearest public transit station is Edouard Jenner.
Bus stations close to Boulogne sur Mer:
- Edouard Jenner
- Dernier Sou
- Tintelleries
Related Routes
- Desmoulins to Boulogne sur Mer
- Fort Mahon Auberge to Boulogne sur Mer
- Berthenlaire to Boulogne sur Mer
- Boudoir to Boulogne sur Mer
- Fort Mahon Castors to Boulogne sur Mer
- Allée Des Hêtres to Boulogne sur Mer
- Macquinghen to Boulogne sur Mer
- Questinghen to Boulogne sur Mer
- Rue D'Ambleteuse to Boulogne sur Mer
- Ampère to Boulogne sur Mer
- Place D'Argentine to Boulogne sur Mer
- Armatis to Boulogne sur Mer
- Baron Bucaille to Boulogne sur Mer
- Belle Isle to Boulogne sur Mer
- Sainte-Beuve to Boulogne sur Mer
- Léon Blum to Boulogne sur Mer
- Bouclet to Boulogne sur Mer
- Station Liane - Quai 17 to Boulogne sur Mer
- Caserne Des Pompiers to Boulogne sur Mer
- Station Liane - Quai 10 to Boulogne sur Mer
Alternative route from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer by bus via SAD4 and 53
To get from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, take the SAD4 bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot station to Le Pavé station. Next, take the 53 bus from Le Pavé station to Navarin Ulco station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMairie Neufchatel-Hardelot
- 2Wait for busSAD4Les Quesnelets
- 3Ride to bus stationLe Pavé17 min
- 4Wait for bus53Etablissements Scolaires
- 5Ride to bus stationNavarin Ulco23 min
- 6Walk toBoulogne sur Mer660 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 143.
What is the alternative route to get from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer?
The alternative route takes 66 minutes, using Bus line SAD4, Bus line 53.
Is there a direct bus between Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot and Boulogne sur Mer?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot in Samer to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer in 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer?
The 143 bus line goes from Etablissements Scolaires station near Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot in Samer to Navarin Ulco station near Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer.
How long does it take to travel from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer by bus?
The total travel time between Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot in Samer and Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer by bus is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to get to Boulogne sur Mer?
Get on the 143 bus from the Etablissements Scolaires stop near Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot in Samer.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot and Boulogne sur Mer?
Get off the bus at the Navarin Ulco stop, which is closest to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer.
When is the first bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot to Boulogne sur Mer?
The first bus from Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot in Samer to Boulogne sur Mer in Boulogne-Sur-Mer is Rue des Sons de Ville - Nazareth. It leaves the Mairie Neufchatel-Hardelot stop at 7:49 AM.