How to get from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct by bus and train?
From East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct by bus and train
To get from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the 96 bus from Rte 5 @ Newberry Rd station to S Main St @ Windsor Locks Rr Stn station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the AMTRAK HARTFORD LINE train and finally take the NEW HAVEN train from New Haven station to Bridgeport station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRte 5 @ Newberry RdID RT5NEWN90 yd • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9696e - John Fitch Blvd-Warehouse Point-Windsor Locks Rr Stn
- 3Ride to bus stationS Main St @ Windsor Locks Rr StnID SMAAMTN12 min
- 4Walk to train stationWindsor Locks80 yd • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainAMTRAK HARTFORD LINENew Haven
- 6Ride to train stationNew Haven64 min
- 7Wait for trainNEW HAVEN6553#| Grand Central
- 8Ride to train stationBridgeport26 min
Public transit directions from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct
Public transit stations close to East Windsor
East Windsor is located at East Windsor, New York - New Jersey and the nearest public transit station is Rte 5 @ Newberry Rd.
Train stations close to East Windsor:
- Windsor Locks
Bus stations close to East Windsor:
- Rte 5 @ Newberry Rd
- Rte 5 @ Thompson Rd
- Rte 5 @ Opp Thompson Rd
Public transit stations close to Bridgeport, Ct, New York - New Jersey
Bridgeport, Ct is located at Bridgeport, Ct, New York - New Jersey and the nearest public transit station is Stratford Ave. at Kossuth St..
Train stations close to Bridgeport, Ct:
- Fairfield Metro
- Bridgeport
- Stratford
Bus stations close to Bridgeport, Ct:
- Stratford Ave. at Kossuth St.
- Water St. at John St.
- Main St. at Fairfield Ave.
Related Routes
- High Falls to Bridgeport, Ct
- Derby to Bridgeport, Ct
- East Granby to Bridgeport, Ct
- East Lyme to Bridgeport, Ct
- Winchester to Bridgeport, Ct
- Andover to Bridgeport, Ct
- Granby to Bridgeport, Ct
- Marlborough to Bridgeport, Ct
- Avon to Bridgeport, Ct
- Madison to Bridgeport, Ct
- Naugatuck to Bridgeport, Ct
- Barkhamsted to Bridgeport, Ct
- New Hartford to Bridgeport, Ct
- North Branford to Bridgeport, Ct
- Bolton to Bridgeport, Ct
- Norwich to Bridgeport, Ct
- Seymour to Bridgeport, Ct
- Shelton to Bridgeport, Ct
- Southbury to Bridgeport, Ct
- Waterbury to Bridgeport, Ct
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct?
The fastest way takes 141 minutes, using Bus line 96, Bus line AMTRAK HARTFORD LINE, Bus line NEW HAVEN.
Is there a direct bus between East Windsor and Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 21 min.
Which bus line goes from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey?
The 96 bus line goes from Rte 5 @ Newberry Rd station near East Windsor to 96e - John Fitch Blvd-Warehouse Point-Windsor Locks Rr Stn station. From there you’ll have to take 2 train lines till 96e - John Fitch Blvd-Warehouse Point-Windsor Locks Rr Stn station near Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey
How long does it take to travel from East Windsor to Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey by bus and train?
The total travel time between East Windsor and Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey by bus and train is about 2 hr 21 min.
Where do I get on the bus near East Windsor to get to Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey?
Get on the 96 bus from the Rte 5 @ Newberry Rd stop near East Windsor in New York - New Jersey.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between East Windsor and Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey?
Get off the bus at the 96e - John Fitch Blvd-Warehouse Point-Windsor Locks Rr Stn station, which is closest to Bridgeport, Ct in New York - New Jersey.