How to get from Støvring St. to Brovst by bus and train?
From Støvring St. to Brovst by bus and train
To get from Støvring St. to Brovst in Jammerbugt, take the 69 train from Støvring St. station to Aalborg St. station. Next, take the 970X bus from Aalborg St. (Perron C6) station to Brovst Busterminal (Jammerbugt Kommune) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationStøvring St.
- 2Wait for train69Aalborg Lufthavn St.
- 3Ride to train stationAalborg St.16 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAalborg St. (Perron C6)250 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus970XThisted St.
- 6Ride to bus stationBrovst Busterminal (Jammerbugt Kommune)41 min
- 7Walk toBrovstVestergade160 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Støvring St. to Brovst
Public transit stations close to Støvring St.
Støvring St. is located at Støvring St., Jammerbugt and the nearest public transit station is Støvring St. (Togbus).
Bus stations close to Støvring St.:
- Støvring St. (Togbus)
- Støvring St.
- Mosbæksallé (Støvring)
Public transit stations close to Brovst, Jammerbugt
Brovst is located at Vestergade, Jammerbugt and the nearest public transit station is Thorsvej (Østergade / Brovst).
Bus stations close to Brovst:
- Thorsvej (Østergade / Brovst)
- Skolepladsen (Brovst / Jammerbugt Komm.)
- Skoleparken (Østergade / Brovst / Jammerb. K.)
Related Routes
- Bülowsvej (Gammel Kongevej) to Brovst
- Roskilde St. (Jernbanegade) to Brovst
- Nøddehaven (Retortvej) to Brovst
- Hovedgård Gl. Station/Horsensvej (Horsens Kom) to Brovst
- Brødholtvej (Brønderslev Kommune) to Brovst
- Sankt Annæ Plads Skuespilhuset (Sankt Annæ Plads) to Brovst
- NY Ellebjerg St. (Togbus) to Brovst
- Bredal Horsensvej to Brovst
- Jelling St to Brovst
- Saltum Kirke (Tinghøjgade / Jammerbugt Komm.) to Brovst
- Give St. to Brovst
- Baggesens Allé V Grønnegade (Esbjerg) to Brovst
- Skelvangen V Bredballe Center to Brovst
- Nørretorv (Vejle) to Brovst
- Nørrebrogade V Ørstedsgade (Vejle) to Brovst
- Horsensvej V Hjortevej (Vejle) to Brovst
- Gormsgade (Vejle) to Brovst
- Horsensvej V Moldevej (Vejle) to Brovst
- Horsensvej V Sysselvej (Vejle) to Brovst
- Horsensvej V Niels Finsensvej (Vejle) to Brovst
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Støvring St. to Brovst?
The fastest way takes 77 minutes, using Bus line 69, Bus line 970X.
Is there a direct train between Støvring St. and Brovst?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 17 min.
Which train line goes from Støvring St. to Brovst?
The 69 train line goes from Aalborg Lufthavn St. station near Støvring St. in Rebild to Aalborg St. station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Aalborg St. station near Brovst in Jammerbugt.
How long does it take to travel from Støvring St. to Brovst by train and bus?
The total travel time between Støvring St. in Rebild and Brovst in Jammerbugt by train and bus is about 1 hr 17 min.
Where do I get on the train near Støvring St. to get to Brovst?
Get on the 69 train from the Aalborg Lufthavn St. station near Støvring St. in Rebild.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Støvring St. and Brovst?
Get off the train at the Aalborg St. stop, which is closest to Brovst in Jammerbugt.