How to get from Lanjarón to Bubión by bus?
From Lanjarón to Bubión by bus
Take one direct bus from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada: take the LÍNEA 2 bus from Avenida De La Alpujarra, 26 station to Bubión 1 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLanjarón
- 2Wait for busLÍNEA 2Calle Del Barranco 21- Capileira
- 3Ride to bus stationBubión 117 min
Public transit directions from Lanjarón to Bubión
Public transit stations close to Bubión, Granada
Bubión is located at Bubión, Granada and the nearest public transit station is Bubión 1.
Bus stations close to Bubión:
- Bubión 1
Related Routes
- Granada to Bubión
- Tete Montoliú 16 - Fte Junta De Andalucía to Bubión
- Lanjarón to Fuente Vaqueros
- Lanjarón to Padul
- Lanjarón to Cacín
- Lanjarón to Otura
- Lanjarón to Dílar
- Lanjarón to Láchar
- Lanjarón to Moclín
- Lanjarón to Dúdar
- Lanjarón to Quéntar
- Lanjarón to Campotéjar
- Lanjarón to Armilla
- Motril to Pinos Puente
- Motril to Cacín
- Motril to La Malahá
- Motril to Moclín
- Motril to Dúdar
- Motril to Quéntar
- Motril to Pampaneira
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Lanjarón to Bubión?
The fastest way takes 18 minutes, using Bus line LÍNEA 2.
Is there a direct bus between Lanjarón and Bubión in Granada?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada in 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada?
The LÍNEA 2 bus line goes from Calle Del Barranco 21- Capileira station near Lanjarón to Bubión 1 station near Bubión in Granada.
How long does it take to travel from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada by bus?
The total travel time between Lanjarón and Bubión in Granada by bus is about 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Lanjarón to get to Bubión in Granada?
Get on the LÍNEA 2 bus from the Calle Del Barranco 21- Capileira stop near Lanjarón in Granada.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Lanjarón and Bubión in Granada?
Get off the bus at the Bubión 1 stop, which is closest to Bubión in Granada.
When is the first bus from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada?
The first bus from Lanjarón to Bubión in Granada is GRANADA- LANJARON- ORGIVA (Por PAMPAINERA). It leaves the Avenida De La Alpujarra, 26 stop at 10:13 AM.