How to get from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti by bus?
From Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti by bus
Take one direct bus from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti: take the 178 bus from Pasaj Lujerului station to Gara De Nord station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 21 min. The ride fare is RON3.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPasaj Lujerului100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus178Sala Palatului
- 3Ride to bus stationGara De Nord17 min
- 4Walk toBucuresti110 m • 2 min
From Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti by metro and tram
To get from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti, take the 41 tram from Bd. Uverturii station to Piata Crangasi station. Next, take the M1 metro from Crângași station to Gara De Nord station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min. The ride fare is RON5.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from tram stationBd. Uverturii
- 2Wait for tram41Piata Presei
- 3Ride to tram stationPiata Crangasi5 min
- 4Walk to metro stationCrângași80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for metroM1Dristor 2
- 6Ride to metro stationGara De Nord5 min
- 7Walk toBucuresti10 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti
Public transit stations close to Bd. Uverturii
Bd. Uverturii is located at Bd. Uverturii, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Bd. Uverturii.
Metro stations close to Bd. Uverturii:
- Lujerului
Bus stations close to Bd. Uverturii:
- Pasaj Lujerului
- Lujerului
- Orsova
Trolleybus stations close to Bd. Uverturii:
- Lujerului
Public transit stations close to Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Bucuresti is located at Bucuresti, Bucuresti and the nearest public transit station is Gara De Nord.
Metro stations close to Bucuresti:
- Gara De Nord
Train stations close to Bucuresti:
- Bucureşti Nord
Bus stations close to Bucuresti:
- Gara De Nord
- Gara Basarab
- Soseaua Nicolae Titulescu
Trolleybus stations close to Bucuresti:
- Soseaua Nicolae Titulescu
Related Routes
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- Nuci to Bucuresti
- Afumati to Bucuresti
- Branesti to Bucuresti
- Buftea to Bucuresti
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- Dor Mărunt to Bucuresti
- Joița to Bucuresti
- Sărățeni to Bucuresti
- Brănești to Bucuresti
- Balaciu to Bucuresti
From Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti by metro and tram
To get from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti, take the 41 tram from Bd. Uverturii station to Piata Crangasi station. Next, take the M1 metro from Crângași station to Gara De Nord station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min. The ride fare is RON5.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from tram stationBd. Uverturii
- 2Wait for tram41Piata Presei
- 3Ride to tram stationPiata Crangasi5 min
- 4Walk to metro stationCrângași80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for metroM1Dristor 2
- 6Ride to metro stationGara De Nord5 min
- 7Walk toBucuresti10 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti?
The fastest way takes 21 minutes, using Bus line 178.
What is the alternative route to get from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti?
The alternative route takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 41, Bus line M1.
Is there a direct bus between Bd. Uverturii and Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti in 21 min.
Which bus line goes from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
The 178 bus line goes from Pasaj Lujerului station near Bd. Uverturii to Sala Palatului station near Bucuresti in Bucuresti.
How long does it take to travel from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti by bus?
The total travel time between Bd. Uverturii and Bucuresti in Bucuresti by bus is about 21 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bd. Uverturii to get to Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
Get on the 178 bus from the Pasaj Lujerului stop near Bd. Uverturii in Bucuresti.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bd. Uverturii and Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
Get off the bus at the Sala Palatului stop, which is closest to Bucuresti in Bucuresti.
When is the first bus from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
The first bus from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti is Master - Sala Palatului. It leaves the Pasaj Lujerului stop at 10:08 AM.
When is the first Trolleybus from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti?
The first Trolleybus from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti in Bucuresti is Gara de Nord - Grup Scolar Auto. It leaves the Lujerului station at 10:18 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti?
The ride from Bd. Uverturii to Bucuresti costs RON3.00.