How to get from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT by bus?
From Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT by bus
To get from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT in Chittenden, take the 100 bus from Vanesse Road station to Waterbury State Office station. Next, take the 86 bus from Waterbury State Office station to Pine Street at Maple Street station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVanesse Road
- 2Wait for bus100Waterbury State Office
- 3Ride to bus stationWaterbury State Office31 min
- 4Wait for bus86Downtown Transit Center - Spot K
- 5Ride to bus stationPine Street at Maple StreetID 81436444 min
- 6Walk toBurlington, VT150 yd • 2 min
Public transit directions from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT
Public transit stations close to Vanesse Road
Vanesse Road is located at Vanesse Road, Chittenden and the nearest public transit station is Opp Vanesse Road.
Bus stations close to Vanesse Road:
- Opp Vanesse Road
Public transit stations close to Burlington, VT, Chittenden
Burlington, VT is located at Burlington, VT, Chittenden and the nearest public transit station is Pine Street at Kilburn Street.
Train stations close to Burlington, VT:
- Burlington
Bus stations close to Burlington, VT:
- Pine Street at Kilburn Street
- Opposite 230 St Paul Street
- Maple Street at St Paul Street
Related Routes
- Hanover (Hanover Inn) to Burlington, VT
- Brattleboro (Shell) to Burlington, VT
- Burlington Downtown Transit Ctr to Burlington, VT
- Bellows Falls Bus Stop to Burlington, VT
- Montpelier Transit Center to Burlington, VT
- White River Junction Bus Station to Burlington, VT
- Williston Park & Ride to Burlington, VT
- Opp Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT
- River House at Quail Hollow to Burlington, VT
- Norwich Farmers Market – Saturdays, May-Oct Only to Burlington, VT
- Norwich Farmers Market, Opp. – Saturdays, May-Oct Only to Burlington, VT
- Grace Christian School to Burlington, VT
- Waterfront to Burlington, VT
- Pearl Street at Elmwood Avenue to Burlington, VT
- Berlin Health & Rehab to Burlington, VT
- Central Vt Medical Center to Burlington, VT
- Kennedy Drive at Twin Oaks Terrace to Burlington, VT
- University Mall at Stop Sign at Hannafords to Burlington, VT
- Pearl Street at Essex Junction Shopping Center. to Burlington, VT
- River St at House Of Tang to Burlington, VT
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT?
The fastest way takes 117 minutes, using Bus line 100, Bus line 86.
Is there a direct bus between Vanesse Road and Burlington, VT?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT?
The 100 bus line goes from Waterbury State Office station near Vanesse Road in Vermont to Waterbury State Office station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Waterbury State Office station near Burlington, VT in Chittenden.
How long does it take to travel from Vanesse Road to Burlington, VT by bus?
The total travel time between Vanesse Road in Vermont and Burlington, VT in Chittenden by bus is about 1 hr 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vanesse Road to get to Burlington, VT?
Get on the 100 bus from the Waterbury State Office stop near Vanesse Road in Vermont.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vanesse Road and Burlington, VT?
Get off the bus at the Waterbury State Office stop, which is closest to Burlington, VT in Chittenden.