How to get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh by bus?
From 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh by bus
To get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh in Hanoi, take the 159 bus from 259 Minh Khai station to 319 Phố Huế station. Next, take the 38 bus from 319 Phố Huế station to Bộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min. The ride fare is ₫22,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station259 Minh Khai
- 2Wait for bus159(A) Bv Nhiệt Đới Tư Cs II
- 3Ride to bus station319 Phố Huế8 min
- 4Wait for bus38(A) Nam Thăng Long
- 5Ride to bus stationBộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ15 min
- 6Walk toCát Linh110 m • 2 min
Alternative route from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh by bus via E08 and 38
To get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh in Hanoi, take the E08 bus from 259 Minh Khai station to 199 Minh Khai station. Next, take the 38 bus from 199 Minh Khai station to Bộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min. The ride fare is ₫10,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station259 Minh Khai
- 2Wait for busE08Khu Liên Cơ Quan Sở Ngành Hà Nội - E08
- 3Ride to bus station199 Minh Khai2 min
- 4Wait for bus38(A) Nam Thăng Long
- 5Ride to bus stationBộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ23 min
- 6Walk toCát Linh110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh
Public transit stations close to 259 Minh Khai
259 Minh Khai is located at 259 Minh Khai, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is Tòa Nhà Imperia - 423 Minh Khai.
Bus stations close to 259 Minh Khai:
- Tòa Nhà Imperia - 423 Minh Khai
- 423 Minh Khai
- 386-388 Minh Khai
Public transit stations close to Cát Linh, Hanoi
Cát Linh is located at Cát Linh, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is 211 Kim Mã.
Metro stations close to Cát Linh:
- Cầu Giấy
- Láng
- La Thành
Bus stations close to Cát Linh:
- 211 Kim Mã
- 240 Kim Mã
- Hào Nam (Ga Cát Linh)
Related Routes
- Đại Thắng to Cát Linh
- Đồng Mai to Cát Linh
- Xuân Hoà to Cát Linh
- Yên Hoà to Cát Linh
- Yên Viên (Thị Trấn ) to Cát Linh
- Đông Anh to Cát Linh
- Đông Xuân to Cát Linh
- Thượng Đình to Cát Linh
- Thanh Xuân Trung to Cát Linh
- Phú Cường to Cát Linh
- Phú Diễn to Cát Linh
- Phú Thượng to Cát Linh
- Quan Hoa to Cát Linh
- Quảng Phú Cầu to Cát Linh
- Sóc Sơn to Cát Linh
- Văn Giang to Cát Linh
- Văn Điển to Cát Linh
- Vĩnh Phúc to Cát Linh
- Vĩnh Tuy to Cát Linh
- Tây Mỗ to Cát Linh
Alternative route from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh by bus via E08 and 38
To get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh in Hanoi, take the E08 bus from 259 Minh Khai station to 199 Minh Khai station. Next, take the 38 bus from 199 Minh Khai station to Bộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min. The ride fare is ₫10,000.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station259 Minh Khai
- 2Wait for busE08Khu Liên Cơ Quan Sở Ngành Hà Nội - E08
- 3Ride to bus station199 Minh Khai2 min
- 4Wait for bus38(A) Nam Thăng Long
- 5Ride to bus stationBộ Y Tế - 138a Giảng Võ23 min
- 6Walk toCát Linh110 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh?
The fastest way takes 29 minutes, using Bus line 159, Bus line 38.
What is the alternative route to get from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh?
The alternative route takes 29 minutes, using Bus line E08, Bus line 38.
Is there a direct bus between 259 Minh Khai and Cát Linh?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 29 min.
Which bus line goes from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh?
The 159 bus line goes from (A) Bv Nhiệt Đới Tư Cs II station near 259 Minh Khai in Phường Vĩnh Tuy to 319 Phố Huế station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 319 Phố Huế station near Cát Linh in Hanoi.
How long does it take to travel from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh by bus?
The total travel time between 259 Minh Khai in Phường Vĩnh Tuy and Cát Linh in Hanoi by bus is about 29 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 259 Minh Khai to get to Cát Linh?
Get on the 159 bus from the (A) Bv Nhiệt Đới Tư Cs II stop near 259 Minh Khai in Phường Vĩnh Tuy.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 259 Minh Khai and Cát Linh?
Get off the bus at the 319 Phố Huế stop, which is closest to Cát Linh in Hanoi.
How much is the bus fare from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh?
The ride from 259 Minh Khai to Cát Linh costs ₫22,000.