How to get from Arbanats to Cérons by train?
From Arbanats to Cérons by train
Take one direct train from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux: take the F44 train from Arbanats station to Gare De Cérons station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationArbanats300 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for trainF44866711
- 3Ride to train stationGare De Cérons6 min
Public transit directions from Arbanats to Cérons
Public transit stations close to Arbanats
Arbanats is located at Arbanats, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Podensac.
Train stations close to Arbanats:
- Podensac
- Arbanats
- Gare De Portets
Public transit stations close to Cérons, Bordeaux
Cérons is located at Cérons, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Gare De Podensac.
Train stations close to Cérons:
- Gare De Podensac
- Barsac
- Gare De Cérons
Related Routes
- Béguey to Cérons
- Camiac-Et-Saint-Denis to Cérons
- Haux to Cérons
- Loupiac to Cérons
- Portets to Cérons
- Peixotto to Cérons
- Arbanats to Cadillac
- Arbanats to Camiac-Et-Saint-Denis
- Arbanats to Comps
- Arbanats to Créon
- Arbanats to Cézac
- Arbanats to Saillans
- Arbanats to Saint-Ciers-De-Canesse
- Arbanats to Saint-Paul
- Arbanats to Tarnès
- Arbis to Camiac-Et-Saint-Denis
- Arcachon to Cestas
- Arcachon to Biganos
- Arcachon to Braud-Et-Saint-Louis
- Arcachon to Camiac-Et-Saint-Denis
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Arbanats to Cérons?
The fastest way takes 11 minutes, using Bus line F44.
Is there a direct train between Arbanats and Cérons in Bordeaux?
Yes, there is a direct train going from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux in 11 min.
Which train line goes from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux?
The F44 train line goes from Arbanats station near Arbanats to 866711 station near Cérons in Bordeaux.
How long does it take to travel from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux by train?
The total travel time between Arbanats and Cérons in Bordeaux by train is about 11 min.
Where do I get on the train near Arbanats to get to Cérons in Bordeaux?
Get on the F44 train from the Arbanats station near Arbanats in Bordeaux.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Arbanats and Cérons in Bordeaux?
Get off the train at the 866711 station, which is closest to Cérons in Bordeaux.
When is the last train from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux?
The last train from Arbanats to Cérons in Bordeaux is the 44. Bordeaux - Langon - Marmande - Agen line. It leaves the Arbanats station at 12:18 AM.