How to get from Annequin to Cambrin by bus?
From Annequin to Cambrin by bus
Take one direct bus from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens: take the 58 bus from Rue Des Jonquilles station to Mairie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAnnequin
- 2Wait for bus58Gare Sncf
- 3Ride to bus stationMairie4 min
- 4Walk toCambrin150 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Annequin to Cambrin
Public transit stations close to Annequin
Annequin is located at Annequin, Lens and the nearest public transit station is Ferry.
Train stations close to Annequin:
- Cuinchy
- Gare De Beuvry-Lès-Béthune (Sncf)
Bus stations close to Annequin:
- Ferry
- Mairie
- Hebuterne
Public transit stations close to Cambrin, Lens
Cambrin is located at Cambrin, Lens and the nearest public transit station is Maison De Retraite.
Train stations close to Cambrin:
- Cuinchy
- Gare De Beuvry-Lès-Béthune (Sncf)
Bus stations close to Cambrin:
- Maison De Retraite
- Mairie
- Coq Ride
Related Routes
- Wingles to Cambrin
- Angres to Cambrin
- Annay to Cambrin
- Annezin to Cambrin
- Ablain-Saint-Nazaire to Cambrin
- Acheville to Cambrin
- Aix-Noulette to Cambrin
- Auchel to Cambrin
- Auchy-Les-Mines to Cambrin
- Avion to Cambrin
- Bauvin to Cambrin
- Beugin to Cambrin
- Beuvry to Cambrin
- Billy-Berclau to Cambrin
- Billy-Montigny to Cambrin
- Bénifontaine to Cambrin
- Bajus to Cambrin
- Barlin to Cambrin
- Bois-Bernard to Cambrin
- Bouvigny-Boyeffles to Cambrin
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Annequin to Cambrin?
The fastest way takes 7 minutes, using Bus line 58.
Is there a direct bus between Annequin and Cambrin in Lens?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens in 7 min.
Which bus line goes from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens?
The 58 bus line goes from Gare Sncf station near Annequin to Mairie station near Cambrin in Lens.
How long does it take to travel from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens by bus?
The total travel time between Annequin and Cambrin in Lens by bus is about 7 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Annequin to get to Cambrin in Lens?
Get on the 58 bus from the Gare Sncf stop near Annequin in Lens.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Annequin and Cambrin in Lens?
Get off the bus at the Mairie stop, which is closest to Cambrin in Lens.
When is the first bus from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens?
The first bus from Annequin to Cambrin in Lens is Vermelles Marignane/la Bassee Gare Sncf. It leaves the Rue Des Jonquilles stop at 9:26 AM.