How to get from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica by bus?
From Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica by bus
Take one direct bus from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo: take the 108 bus from Basile - Facoltà Di Ingegneria station to Tricomi - Ughetti station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min. The ride fare is €1.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBasile - Facoltà Di IngegneriaID 17530 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus108Ospedale Civico <> Politeama
- 3Ride to bus stationTricomi - UghettiID 20638 min
- 4Walk toCamera IperbaricaViale Prof. M. Pavone Tesauro470 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica
Public transit stations close to Basile Universita' Segreterie
Basile Universita' Segreterie is located at Basile Universita' Segreterie, Palermo and the nearest public transit station is Basile Facolta' Di Ingegneria.
Train stations close to Basile Universita' Segreterie:
- Vespri
- Palazzo Reale-Orleans
- Palermo Centrale
Bus stations close to Basile Universita' Segreterie:
- Basile Facolta' Di Ingegneria
- Basile Facolta' Di Economia E Commercio
- Basile Universita' Segreterie
Public transit stations close to Camera Iperbarica, Palermo
Camera Iperbarica is located at Viale Prof. M. Pavone Tesauro, Palermo and the nearest public transit station is Tricomi - Ughetti.
Train stations close to Camera Iperbarica:
- Palazzo Reale-Orleans
- Palermo Centrale
- Vespri
Bus stations close to Camera Iperbarica:
- Tricomi - Ughetti
- La Franca - Durante
- Ughetti - Tricomi
Related Routes
- Palazzo Reale-Orleans to Camera Iperbarica
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Alcamo Marina
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Palermo Airport
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia - Cervello
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Brancaccio
- Basile - Università Segreterie to Ismett
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Aspra
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Solanto
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Villagrazia
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Alcamo Marina
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Palermo Airport
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia - Cervello
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Edificio 13 - Facoltà Di Economia
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Brancaccio
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Aspra
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Complesso Aule Nuove - Facoltà Di Medicina E Chirurgia
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Aula Maurizio Ascoli
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Solanto
- Basile Universita' Segreterie to Facoltà Di Giurisprudenza
- Basile - Università Segreterie to Pensionato San Saverio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica?
The fastest way takes 15 minutes, using Bus line 108.
Is there a direct bus between Basile Universita' Segreterie and Camera Iperbarica in Palermo?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo in 15 min.
Which bus line goes from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo?
The 108 bus line goes from Basile - Facoltà Di Ingegneria station near Basile Universita' Segreterie to Ospedale Civico <> Politeama station near Camera Iperbarica in Palermo.
How long does it take to travel from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo by bus?
The total travel time between Basile Universita' Segreterie and Camera Iperbarica in Palermo by bus is about 15 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Basile Universita' Segreterie to get to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo?
Get on the 108 bus from the Basile - Facoltà Di Ingegneria stop near Basile Universita' Segreterie in Palermo.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Basile Universita' Segreterie and Camera Iperbarica in Palermo?
Get off the bus at the Ospedale Civico <> Politeama stop, which is closest to Camera Iperbarica in Palermo.
How much is the bus fare from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica?
The ride from Basile Universita' Segreterie to Camera Iperbarica costs €1.40.