How to get from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 by bus?
From Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 by bus
To get from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente, take the 131 AMELIÓPOLIS / RODOVIÁRIA bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline station to Rua Santo Fabris, 310 station. Next, take the 106 ANA JACINTA / JOÃO DOMINGOS VIA APEC bus from Rua Santo Fabris, 310 station to Avenida Da Saudade, 852 | Vó Laura Gourmet station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRodovia Raimundo Maioline
- 2Wait for bus131 AMELIÓPOLIS / RODOVIÁRIARodoviária
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Santo Fabris, 3103 min
- 4Wait for bus106 ANA JACINTA / JOÃO DOMINGOS VIA APECAna Jacinta Via Apec
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida Da Saudade, 852 | Vó Laura Gourmet30 min
- 6Walk toCampus 1390 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 by bus via 138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIA
Take one direct bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente: take the 138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIA bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline station to Rodoviária Estacionamento station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRodovia Raimundo Maioline
- 2Wait for bus138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIARodoviária
- 3Ride to bus stationRodoviária Estacionamento29 min
- 4Walk toCampus 11.59 km • 21 min
Public transit directions from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1
Public transit stations close to Campus 1, Presidente Prudente
Campus 1 is located at Campus 1, Presidente Prudente and the nearest public transit station is Rua José Bongiovani, 3173 | Cemitério São João Batista.
Bus stations close to Campus 1:
- Rua José Bongiovani, 3173 | Cemitério São João Batista
- Churrascaria Guaíba
- Sabesp
Related Routes
- Rua Roque Bongiovani, 253 to Campus 1
- Rua João Fregonesi, 82 to Campus 1
- Rua Santos Dumont, 227 to Campus 1
- Rua Zeferino Daniel Caseiro, 442 to Campus 1
- Avenida Juscelino Kubitschek De Oliveira Presidente, 2280 to Campus 1
- Avenida Coronel José Soares Marcondes, 7171 to Campus 1
- Rua Bom Jesus, 269 to Campus 1
- Hospital Bezerra De Menezes to Campus 1
- Rua Flamengo, 169 to Campus 1
- Rua Manoel Batista De Souza, 103 to Campus 1
- Rua Primeiro De Maio, 463 to Campus 1
- Rua Barão Do Rio Branco, 50 to Campus 1
- Ponto Final Vitapelli to Campus 1
- Avenida Manoel Romeu Caires, 10 to Campus 1
- Avenida Das Américas, 406 to Campus 1
- Ceasa to Campus 1
- Rodovia Assis Chateaubriand, 3214 to Campus 1
- Rodovia Assis Chateaubriand, 3201 to Campus 1
- Condomínio Residencial Primavera (C/B) to Campus 1
- Ponto Final Vida Nova to Campus 1
Alternative route from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 by bus via 138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIA
Take one direct bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente: take the 138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIA bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline station to Rodoviária Estacionamento station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRodovia Raimundo Maioline
- 2Wait for bus138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIARodoviária
- 3Ride to bus stationRodoviária Estacionamento29 min
- 4Walk toCampus 11.59 km • 21 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 131 AMELIÓPOLIS / RODOVIÁRIA, Bus line 106 ANA JACINTA / JOÃO DOMINGOS VIA APEC.
What is the alternative route to get from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1?
The alternative route takes 50 minutes, using Bus line 138 FLORESTA / RODOVIÁRIA.
Is there a direct bus between Rodovia Raimundo Maioline and Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente?
The 131 AMELIÓPOLIS / RODOVIÁRIA bus line goes from Rodoviária station near Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Rua Santo Fabris, 310 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Rua Santo Fabris, 310 station near Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente
How long does it take to travel from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente by bus?
The total travel time between Rodovia Raimundo Maioline and Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente by bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to get to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente?
Get on the 131 AMELIÓPOLIS / RODOVIÁRIA bus from the Rodoviária stop near Rodovia Raimundo Maioline in Presidente Prudente.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rodovia Raimundo Maioline and Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente?
Get off the bus at the Rua Santo Fabris, 310 stop, which is closest to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente.
When is the last bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente?
The last bus from Rodovia Raimundo Maioline to Campus 1 in Presidente Prudente is the Daiane - Morada do Sol / Jardim Morumbi line. It leaves the Rodovia Raimundo Maioline stop at 8:15 PM.