How to get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures by bus and train?
From Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures by bus and train
To get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice, take the C13 train from Gare De Théoule-Sur-Mer station to Gare De St-Laurent-Du-Var station. Next, take the 12+ bus from La Passerelle station to Lenval / Promenade station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationThéoule Gare
- 2Wait for trainC13881119
- 3Ride to train stationGare De St-Laurent-Du-Var37 min
- 4Walk to bus stationLa Passerelle160 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus12+Hôpital Pasteur
- 6Ride to bus stationLenval / Promenade13 min
- 7Walk toCampus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et CulturesRoute de Saint-Antoine1.36 km • 18 min
Alternative route from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures by bus and train via 22, C3 and 12+
To get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 22 bus from Théoule Gare station to Gare Sncf De Cannes station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the C3 train and finally take the 12+ bus from La Passerelle station to Lenval / Promenade station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationThéoule Gare10 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus22Gare Sncf De Cannes
- 3Ride to bus stationGare Sncf De Cannes31 min
- 4Walk to train stationGare De Cannes80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainC386017
- 6Ride to train stationGare De St-Laurent-Du-Var25 min
- 7Walk to bus stationLa Passerelle160 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for bus12+Hôpital Pasteur
- 9Ride to bus stationLenval / Promenade13 min
- 10Walk toCampus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et CulturesRoute de Saint-Antoine1.36 km • 18 min
Public transit directions from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
Public transit stations close to Théoule Gare
Théoule Gare is located at Théoule Gare, Nice and the nearest public transit station is Port De La Rague.
Train stations close to Théoule Gare:
- Gare De Mandelieu-La-Napoule
- Gare De Théoule-Sur-Mer
Bus stations close to Théoule Gare:
- Port De La Rague
- Le Princes Des Iles
- Théoule Plages
Public transit stations close to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures, Nice
Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures is located at Route de Saint-Antoine, Nice and the nearest public transit station is St Philippe Cpzou.
Train stations close to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures:
- St Philippe Cpzou
Bus stations close to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures:
- Boulangerie
- La Bornala
- Rond Point
Related Routes
- Nice Saint-Augustin to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- St Philippe Cpzou to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Les 4 Chemins to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Les Abattoirs to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Avenue De Cannes to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- College Canteperdrix to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Carnot to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Les Floralies to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Mouans-Sartoux Centre to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Pegomas Centre to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Saint Claude to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Grasse Centre Ville to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Gare D'Antibes to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Gare De Bosquet (Le) to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Gare De Frayère (La) to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Gare De Ranguin to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Victor Tuby - Moulin Forville to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Aloes to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Super Antibes to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
- Menton Gare Routière to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures
Alternative route from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures by bus and train via 22, C3 and 12+
To get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 22 bus from Théoule Gare station to Gare Sncf De Cannes station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the C3 train and finally take the 12+ bus from La Passerelle station to Lenval / Promenade station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationThéoule Gare10 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus22Gare Sncf De Cannes
- 3Ride to bus stationGare Sncf De Cannes31 min
- 4Walk to train stationGare De Cannes80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainC386017
- 6Ride to train stationGare De St-Laurent-Du-Var25 min
- 7Walk to bus stationLa Passerelle160 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for bus12+Hôpital Pasteur
- 9Ride to bus stationLenval / Promenade13 min
- 10Walk toCampus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et CulturesRoute de Saint-Antoine1.36 km • 18 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
The fastest way takes 77 minutes, using Bus line C13, Bus line 12+.
What is the alternative route to get from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
The alternative route takes 108 minutes, using Bus line 22, Bus line C3, Bus line 12+.
Is there a direct train between Théoule Gare and Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 17 min.
Which train line goes from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
The C13 train line goes from 881119 station near Théoule Gare in Mandelieu-Cannes-Ouest to Gare De St-Laurent-Du-Var station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Gare De St-Laurent-Du-Var station near Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice.
How long does it take to travel from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures by train and bus?
The total travel time between Théoule Gare in Mandelieu-Cannes-Ouest and Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice by train and bus is about 1 hr 17 min.
Where do I get on the train near Théoule Gare to get to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
Get on the C13 train from the 881119 station near Théoule Gare in Mandelieu-Cannes-Ouest.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Théoule Gare and Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
Get off the train at the Gare De St-Laurent-Du-Var stop, which is closest to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice.
When is the first train from Théoule Gare to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures?
The first train from Théoule Gare in Mandelieu-Cannes-Ouest to Campus Carlone Ufr Lash Et Ufr Espaces Et Cultures in Nice is Les Arcs - Cannes - Nice - Menton. It leaves the Gare De Théoule-Sur-Mer station at 7:40 AM.