How to get from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso by bus?
From Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso by bus
To get from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca, take the L19 bus from Calle Vieja, 921 station to Antonio Vega Muñoz, 141 station. Next, take the L22 bus from Antonio Vega Muñoz, 141 station to Parque Paraiso station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle Vieja, 92160 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for busL19Tenis Club
- 3Ride to bus stationAntonio Vega Muñoz, 1414 min
- 4Wait for busL22Gapal
- 5Ride to bus stationParque Paraiso9 min
- 6Walk toCampus ParaísoPasaje del Paraíso380 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso by bus via L7
Take one direct bus from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca: take the L7 bus from Instituto De Fomento Y Talento Humano station to Puente El Vergel station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationInstituto De Fomento Y Talento Humano360 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for busL7Mall Del Rio
- 3Ride to bus stationPuente El Vergel9 min
- 4Walk toCampus ParaísoPasaje del Paraíso680 m • 9 min
Public transit directions from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso
Public transit stations close to Calle Vieja, 850
Calle Vieja, 850 is located at Calle Vieja, 850, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Calle Vieja, 921.
Bus stations close to Calle Vieja, 850:
- Calle Vieja, 921
- Armenillas, 380
- De Las Carretas, 125
Public transit stations close to Campus Paraíso, Cuenca
Campus Paraíso is located at Pasaje del Paraíso, Cuenca and the nearest public transit station is Avenue Viracochabamba, 117.
Bus stations close to Campus Paraíso:
- Avenue Viracochabamba, 117
- El Observador, 136
- Hospital Regional
Related Routes
- Avenida Primero De Mayo to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Enrique Arizaga Toral to Campus Paraíso
- Circulación Sur Y Camino Viejo A Baños to Campus Paraíso
- Circunvalación Sur Y Diego De Tapia to Campus Paraíso
- Circunvalacion Sur Y 12 De Octubre to Campus Paraíso
- 12 De Octubre Y Circunvalacion Sur to Campus Paraíso
- Francisco De Orellana, 2 to Campus Paraíso
- 12 De Octubre Y Menndez Pelayo to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Doce De Octubre, 313 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Doce De Octubre, 193 to Campus Paraíso
- Isabel La Catolica Y 12 De Octbre to Campus Paraíso
- Isabel La Catolica Y Lope De Vega to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Isabel La Catolica, 385 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Primero De Mayo, 273 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Primero De Mayo, 194 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida De Las Americas, 176 to Campus Paraíso
- Pasaje Imbabura, 207 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida 12 De Abril, 540 to Campus Paraíso
- Avenida Loja, 146 to Campus Paraíso
- Centenario to Campus Paraíso
Alternative route from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso by bus via L7
Take one direct bus from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca: take the L7 bus from Instituto De Fomento Y Talento Humano station to Puente El Vergel station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationInstituto De Fomento Y Talento Humano360 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for busL7Mall Del Rio
- 3Ride to bus stationPuente El Vergel9 min
- 4Walk toCampus ParaísoPasaje del Paraíso680 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso?
The fastest way takes 20 minutes, using Bus line L19, Bus line L22.
What is the alternative route to get from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso?
The alternative route takes 23 minutes, using Bus line L7.
Is there a direct bus between Calle Vieja, 850 and Campus Paraíso in Cuenca?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 20 min.
Which bus line goes from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca?
The L19 bus line goes from Calle Vieja, 921 station near Calle Vieja, 850 to Tenis Club station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Tenis Club station near Campus Paraíso in Cuenca
How long does it take to travel from Calle Vieja, 850 to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca by bus?
The total travel time between Calle Vieja, 850 and Campus Paraíso in Cuenca by bus is about 20 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Calle Vieja, 850 to get to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca?
Get on the L19 bus from the Calle Vieja, 921 stop near Calle Vieja, 850 in Cuenca.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Calle Vieja, 850 and Campus Paraíso in Cuenca?
Get off the bus at the Tenis Club stop, which is closest to Campus Paraíso in Cuenca.