How to get from Paroldo to Cantalupa by bus and train?
From Paroldo to Cantalupa by bus and train
To get from Paroldo to Cantalupa in Turin, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 143 bus from Bivio Paroldo - Gamellona station to Ceva - Scuole Medie - Via Borgognone station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 220 bus from Torino - Porta Nuova FS station to Bivio Frossasco - Incrocio SS 589 - SP 194 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationParoldo
- 2Wait for bus143Ceva - Ospedale - San Bernardino
- 3Ride to bus stationCeva - Scuole Medie - Via BorgognoneID 004066003225 min
- 4Walk to train stationCeva290 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for trainRTorino Porta Nuova
- 6Ride to train stationTorino Porta Nuova86 min
- 7Walk to bus stationTorino - Porta Nuova FSID 0012720702130 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for bus220Cavour - Piazza Rivoira
- 9Ride to bus stationBivio Frossasco - Incrocio SS 589 - SP 194ID 001110000149 min
- 10Walk toCantalupa3.35 km • 43 min
Public transit directions from Paroldo to Cantalupa
Public transit stations close to Paroldo
Paroldo is located at Paroldo, Turin and the nearest public transit station is Sale Delle Langhe.
Train stations close to Paroldo:
- Sale Delle Langhe
Public transit stations close to Cantalupa, Turin
Cantalupa is located at Cantalupa, Turin and the nearest public transit station is Cantalupa - Piazza Comune - SP 194.
Bus stations close to Cantalupa:
- Cantalupa - Piazza Comune - SP 194
- Frossasco (Carabinieri)
- Cantalupa (P.Zza Juvenal)
Related Routes
- Bastia Mondovì to Cantalupa
- Battifollo to Cantalupa
- Bergolo to Cantalupa
- Belvedere Langhe to Cantalupa
- Borgo Vercelli to Cantalupa
- Borgo San Martino to Cantalupa
- Bra to Cantalupa
- Castelnuovo Di Ceva to Cantalupa
- Caramagna Piemonte to Cantalupa
- Cairo Montenotte to Cantalupa
- Camerana to Cantalupa
- Cigliè to Cantalupa
- Cosseria to Cantalupa
- Ceres to Cantalupa
- Frabosa Soprana to Cantalupa
- Graglia to Cantalupa
- Donato to Cantalupa
- Farigliano to Cantalupa
- Netro to Cantalupa
- Marsaglia to Cantalupa
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Paroldo to Cantalupa?
The fastest way takes 273 minutes, using Bus line 143, Bus line R, Bus line 220.
Is there a direct bus between Paroldo and Cantalupa in Turin?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 33 min.
Which bus line goes from Paroldo to Cantalupa in Turin?
The 143 bus line goes from Ceva - Ospedale - San Bernardino station near Paroldo to Ceva - Scuole Medie - Via Borgognone station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Ceva - Scuole Medie - Via Borgognone station near Cantalupa in Turin
How long does it take to travel from Paroldo to Cantalupa in Turin by bus and train?
The total travel time between Paroldo and Cantalupa in Turin by bus and train is about 4 hr 33 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Paroldo to get to Cantalupa in Turin?
Get on the 143 bus from the Ceva - Ospedale - San Bernardino stop near Paroldo in Turin.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Paroldo and Cantalupa in Turin?
Get off the bus at the Ceva - Scuole Medie - Via Borgognone stop, which is closest to Cantalupa in Turin.