How to get from Es Bòrdes to Capmany by bus?
From Es Bòrdes to Capmany by bus
To get from Es Bòrdes to Capmany in Barcelona, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines: take the L0066 bus from Es Bordes station to Barcelona - Estació Del Nord station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 602 bus and finally take the C3 from Estació D'Autobusos De Figueres station to Els Banys De La Mercè, Capmany station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 hr 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEs Bòrdes
- 2Wait for busL0066Aeroport Del Prat
- 3Ride to bus stationBarcelona - Estació Del Nord293 min
- 4Wait for bus602Estació D'Autobusos De Figueres
- 5Ride to bus stationEstació D'Autobusos De Figueres165 min
- 6Walk toEstació D'Autobusos De Figueres70 m • 1 min
- 7Wait forC3El Voló
- 8Ride toEls Banys De La Mercè, Capmany25 min
Public transit directions from Es Bòrdes to Capmany
Public transit stations close to Es Bòrdes
Es Bòrdes is located at Es Bòrdes, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Es Bordes.
Bus stations close to Es Bòrdes:
- Es Bordes
- Es Bòrdes
Public transit stations close to Capmany, Barcelona
Capmany is located at Capmany, Barcelona and the nearest public transit station is Els Banys De La Mercè, Capmany.
Bus stations close to Capmany:
- Els Banys De La Mercè, Capmany
Related Routes
- Beuda to Capmany
- Bossòst to Capmany
- Alfarràs to Capmany
- Arres to Capmany
- Bassella to Capmany
- Castellar De La Ribera to Capmany
- Coll De Nargó to Capmany
- Ivars De Noguera to Capmany
- El Pont De Suert to Capmany
- Fígols I Alinyà to Capmany
- Masarac to Capmany
- La Bisbal D'Emporda to Capmany
- Les to Capmany
- Peramola to Capmany
- Montferrer I Castellbò to Capmany
- Oliana to Capmany
- Organyà to Capmany
- Ribera D'Urgellet to Capmany
- Sant Climent Sescebes to Capmany
- Vielha E Mijaran to Capmany
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Es Bòrdes to Capmany?
The fastest way takes 784 minutes, using Bus line L0066, Bus line 602, Bus line C3.
Is there a direct bus between Es Bòrdes and Capmany in Barcelona?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 13 hr 4 min.
Which bus line goes from Es Bòrdes to Capmany in Barcelona?
The L0066 bus line goes from Aeroport Del Prat station near Es Bòrdes to Barcelona - Estació Del Nord station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Barcelona - Estació Del Nord station near Capmany in Barcelona
How long does it take to travel from Es Bòrdes to Capmany in Barcelona by bus?
The total travel time between Es Bòrdes and Capmany in Barcelona by bus is about 13 hr 4 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Es Bòrdes to get to Capmany in Barcelona?
Get on the L0066 bus from the Aeroport Del Prat stop near Es Bòrdes in Barcelona.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Es Bòrdes and Capmany in Barcelona?
Get off the bus at the Barcelona - Estació Del Nord stop, which is closest to Capmany in Barcelona.