How to get from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi by bus?
From Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi by bus
To get from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 35 bus from Caselle Bivio station to Mantova FS station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 13 bus and finally take the K205 bus from Asola - Piazzale Forchini station to Pieve Terzagni Bivio, S.S.10 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 1 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSerravalle A Po
- 2Wait for bus35Mantova FS
- 3Ride to bus stationMantova FSID 000U64253 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMondadoriID 000U111580 m • 8 min
- 5Wait for bus13Asola
- 6Ride to bus stationAsola - Piazzale Forchini76 min
- 7Wait for busK205Cremona, Autostazione
- 8Ride to bus stationPieve Terzagni Bivio, S.S.10ID 72235 min
Public transit directions from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi
Public transit stations close to Serravalle A Po
Serravalle A Po is located at Serravalle A Po, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Serravalle Po.
Bus stations close to Serravalle A Po:
- Serravalle Po
- Torriana - Via Mantovana 42
Public transit stations close to Cappella De' Picenardi, Milan and Lombardy
Cappella De' Picenardi is located at Cappella De' Picenardi, Milan and Lombardy and the nearest public transit station is Pieve Terzagni Bivio, S.S.10.
Train stations close to Cappella De' Picenardi:
- Gazzo-Pieve San Giacomo
Bus stations close to Cappella De' Picenardi:
- Pieve Terzagni Bivio, S.S.10
- S.P. 10 Cappella Picenardi Bivio
Related Routes
- Gargnano to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Lavenone to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Assago to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Besnate to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Besozzo to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Borgarello to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Bornasco to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Bresso to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Calvenzano to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Cambiago to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Canonica D' Adda to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Caponago to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Caravate to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Carbonate to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Cardano Al Campo to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Carvico to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Casaletto Di Sopra to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Casaletto Lodigiano to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Casaletto Vaprio to Cappella De' Picenardi
- Casarile to Cappella De' Picenardi
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi?
The fastest way takes 241 minutes, using Bus line 35, Bus line 13, Bus line K205.
Is there a direct bus between Serravalle A Po and Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 1 min.
Which bus line goes from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy?
The 35 bus line goes from Mantova FS station near Serravalle A Po to Mantova FS station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Mantova FS station near Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy
How long does it take to travel from Serravalle A Po to Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy by bus?
The total travel time between Serravalle A Po and Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy by bus is about 4 hr 1 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Serravalle A Po to get to Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy?
Get on the 35 bus from the Mantova FS stop near Serravalle A Po in Milan and Lombardy.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Serravalle A Po and Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy?
Get off the bus at the Mantova FS stop, which is closest to Cappella De' Picenardi in Milan and Lombardy.