How to get from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru by bus?
From Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru by bus
Take one direct bus from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru: take the 141 bus from Rua Frei Caneca, 32-100 station to Avenida Rui Barbosa, 102 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRua Frei Caneca, 32-100510 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus141Centro ➡ Xique Xique Via Vila Andorinha
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Rui Barbosa, 1022 min
- 4Walk toCaruaru570 m • 8 min
Alternative route from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru by bus via 109
Take one direct bus from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru: take the 109 bus from Pátio De Eventos Luiz Gonzaga station to Rua Duque De Caxias, 51 | Próx. A Catedral station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPátio De Eventos Luiz Gonzaga410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus109Rendeiras ➡ Centro - Via Morada Nova
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Duque De Caxias, 51 | Próx. A Catedral3 min
- 4Walk toCaruaru780 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru
Public transit stations close to Rua Rodolfo García, 42
Rua Rodolfo García, 42 is located at Rua Rodolfo García, 42, Caruaru and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Dom Bôsco, 263.
Bus stations close to Rua Rodolfo García, 42:
- Avenida Dom Bôsco, 263
- Avenida Professor José Leão, 558
- Rua Saturnino De Brito, 55
Public transit stations close to Caruaru, Caruaru
Caruaru is located at Caruaru, Caruaru and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Rui Barbosa, 366.
Bus stations close to Caruaru:
- Avenida Rui Barbosa, 366
- Praça São Roque, 69
- Praça São Roque, 65
Related Routes
- Rua Major João Coelho, 621-669 to Caruaru
- Av. Agamenon Magalhães, 1210 to Caruaru
- Rua Carneiro Viléla, 50 to Caruaru
- Rua Carneiro Viléla, 167-253 to Caruaru
- Rua Manoel Capitão, 108 to Caruaru
- Rua Carneiro Viléla, 352-368 to Caruaru
- Rua Esdras De Farias, 416 to Caruaru
- Rua Esdras De Farias, 441 to Caruaru
- Rua Eça De Queiróz, 281 to Caruaru
- Avenida Paris, 100 to Caruaru
- Rua Suiça, 460 to Caruaru
- Terminal Kenedy to Caruaru
- Rua Ilhéus, 246 to Caruaru
- Rua Barão De Caruaru, 13 to Caruaru
- Rua Frei Caneca, 32-100 to Caruaru
- Rua Arquimendes De Oliveira, 119 to Caruaru
- Rua Arquimedes De Oliveira 223-259 to Caruaru
- Rua Carneiro Viléla, 393-421 to Caruaru
- Rua Barão De Caruaru, 158 to Caruaru
- Rua Barão De Caruaru, 149 to Caruaru
Alternative route from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru by bus via 109
Take one direct bus from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru: take the 109 bus from Pátio De Eventos Luiz Gonzaga station to Rua Duque De Caxias, 51 | Próx. A Catedral station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationPátio De Eventos Luiz Gonzaga410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus109Rendeiras ➡ Centro - Via Morada Nova
- 3Ride to bus stationRua Duque De Caxias, 51 | Próx. A Catedral3 min
- 4Walk toCaruaru780 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line 141.
What is the alternative route to get from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru?
The alternative route takes 19 minutes, using Bus line 109.
Is there a direct bus between Rua Rodolfo García, 42 and Caruaru in Caruaru?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru in 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru?
The 141 bus line goes from Rua Frei Caneca, 32-100 station near Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Centro ➡ Xique Xique Via Vila Andorinha station near Caruaru in Caruaru.
How long does it take to travel from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru by bus?
The total travel time between Rua Rodolfo García, 42 and Caruaru in Caruaru by bus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to get to Caruaru in Caruaru?
Get on the 141 bus from the Rua Frei Caneca, 32-100 stop near Rua Rodolfo García, 42 in Caruaru.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rua Rodolfo García, 42 and Caruaru in Caruaru?
Get off the bus at the Centro ➡ Xique Xique Via Vila Andorinha stop, which is closest to Caruaru in Caruaru.
When is the first bus from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru?
The first bus from Rua Rodolfo García, 42 to Caruaru in Caruaru is Vila Andorinhas/ Centro. It leaves the Rua Frei Caneca, 32-100 stop at 5:10 AM.