How to get from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil by bus?
From Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil by bus
To get from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil in Castro, take the W04 VILA LOS ANGELES / ENGELUZ / BOCCHI bus from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi station to Terminal Praça Da Matriz station. Next, take the 1006-50 PONTA GROSSA / WENCESLAU BRAZ bus from Terminal Rodoviário De Wenceslau Braz station to Terminal Rodoviário De Castro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 25 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi110 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busW04 VILA LOS ANGELES / ENGELUZ / BOCCHITerminal / Bocchi / Terminal Via Los Angeles
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Praça Da Matriz11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário De Wenceslau Braz540 m • 7 min
- 5Wait for bus1006-50 PONTA GROSSA / WENCESLAU BRAZWenceslau Braz / Ponta Grossa (Via Arapoti / Jaguariaíva / Piraí Do Sul / Castro)
- 6Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário De Castro150 min
- 7Walk toCastro Brazil920 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil
Public transit stations close to Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi
Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi is located at Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi, Castro and the nearest public transit station is Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi.
Bus stations close to Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi:
- Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi
- Rodovia Pr 092 - K2 Troféus
- Rodovia Pr 092
Public transit stations close to Castro Brazil, Castro
Castro Brazil is located at Castro Brazil, Castro and the nearest public transit station is Amazon Bar - Rua Major Otávio Novaes, 707.
Bus stations close to Castro Brazil:
- Rua Major Otávio Novaes, 746
- Rua Major Otávio Novaes, 350- Ponto De Integração 34
- Rua Major Otávio Mendes, 351- Ponto De Integração 37
Related Routes
- Avenida Presidente Kennedy, 626 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Vila Velha, 918 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Luiz Sodre Swensson, 501 to Castro Brazil
- Iraci Ferreira Fe Oliveira to Castro Brazil
- Avenida Eusébio De Queirós, 1120 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Barão De Jacutinga, 246-324 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Viveiros De Castro, 56 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Viveiros De Castro, 700 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Siqueira Campos, 4167 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Eloy Schmidt, 111 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Joao Jeronimo Simonetto, 85 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Siqueira Campos, 2591 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Neci Nunes Ferreira, 5 to Castro Brazil
- . to Castro Brazil
- Rua Siqueira Campos, 3367 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Vereador Antonio Vendrami, 85 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Siqueira Campos, 1105 to Castro Brazil
- Rua Alda Eberth, 21 to Castro Brazil
- Avenida General Aldo Bonde to Castro Brazil
- Rua Nicolau Florenzano, 264 to Castro Brazil
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil?
The fastest way takes 205 minutes, using Bus line W04 VILA LOS ANGELES / ENGELUZ / BOCCHI, Bus line 1006-50 PONTA GROSSA / WENCESLAU BRAZ.
Is there a direct bus between Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi and Castro Brazil?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 25 min.
Which bus line goes from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil?
The W04 VILA LOS ANGELES / ENGELUZ / BOCCHI bus line goes from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi station near Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi in Ponta Grossa to Terminal / Bocchi / Terminal Via Los Angeles station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal / Bocchi / Terminal Via Los Angeles station near Castro Brazil in Castro.
How long does it take to travel from Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to Castro Brazil by bus?
The total travel time between Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi in Ponta Grossa and Castro Brazil in Castro by bus is about 3 hr 25 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi to get to Castro Brazil?
Get on the W04 VILA LOS ANGELES / ENGELUZ / BOCCHI bus from the Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi stop near Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi in Ponta Grossa.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rodovia Pr 092 - Bocchi and Castro Brazil?
Get off the bus at the Terminal / Bocchi / Terminal Via Los Angeles stop, which is closest to Castro Brazil in Castro.