How to get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno by bus?
From Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno by bus
To get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza, take the C-1 from Utebo station to Estacion Delicias Con Acceso Llegadas station. Next, take the CI1 bus from EstaciĆ³n Delicias / Acceso Llegadas station to G. GĆ³mez Avellaneda / RosalĆa de Castro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationUtebo
- 2Wait forC-1Miraflores
- 3Ride toEstacion Delicias Con Acceso LlegadasID 30738 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEstaciĆ³n Delicias / Acceso LlegadasID 3073120 mĀ ā¢Ā 2 min
- 5Wait for busCI1Camino Las Torres
- 6Ride to bus stationG. GĆ³mez Avellaneda / RosalĆa de CastroID 306315 min
- 7Walk toCentro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio JimenoCalle Poeta RosalĆa de Castro400 mĀ ā¢Ā 6 min
From Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno by and light rail
To get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza, take the C-1 from Utebo station to Zaragoza - Goya station. Next, take the TRA light rail from Fernando El CatĆ³lico - Goya station to LeĆ³n Felipe station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationUtebo
- 2Wait forC-1Miraflores
- 3Ride toZaragoza - Goya14 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationFernando El CatĆ³lico - GoyaID 150280 mĀ ā¢Ā 2 min
- 5Wait for light railTRAAvenida de La Academia
- 6Ride to light rail stationLeĆ³n FelipeID 080214 min
- 7Walk toCentro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio JimenoCalle Poeta RosalĆa de Castro570 mĀ ā¢Ā 8 min
Public transit directions from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
Public transit stations close to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno, Zaragoza
Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno is located at Calle Poeta RosalĆa de Castro, Zaragoza and the nearest public transit station is Av. JosĆ© AtarĆ©s / Juzgados.
Bus stations close to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno:
- Av. JosƩ AtarƩs / Juzgados
- MarĆa Zambrano N. Āŗ 16 / Pablo Neruda
- Valle de Broto / G. GĆ³mez Avellaneda
Related Routes
- Av. de LogroƱo, 7 to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Ambulatorio Parque Goya II to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Rotonda de Acceso - Ciudad Del Transporte to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- C/ P-A Frente A Centro de Negocios to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Naves Panrico - Bimbo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Frente A Instalaciones Militares to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Ctra. Acceso A El Zorongo Aspace to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Entre Calles Enero y Febrero to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Entre Calles Marzo y Abril to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Entre Calles Septiembre y Octubre to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- C/ Septembre Con C/ Octubre to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- C/ Julio Con C/ Agosto (Vuelta) to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- C/ Diciembre (Vuelta) to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Ctra. Acceso A El Zorongo Frente A Aspace to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Instalaciones Militares to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- C/ P-A Naves Alosa to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- Rotonda Maz - Pasarela to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- N-232 Pk 247,5 - Valeo TĆ©rmico to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- N-232 Pk 249,2 - Rest. Venta Cano to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
- N-232 Pk 251,2 - Talleres LeciƱena to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno
From Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno by and light rail
To get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza, take the C-1 from Utebo station to Zaragoza - Goya station. Next, take the TRA light rail from Fernando El CatĆ³lico - Goya station to LeĆ³n Felipe station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationUtebo
- 2Wait forC-1Miraflores
- 3Ride toZaragoza - Goya14 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationFernando El CatĆ³lico - GoyaID 150280 mĀ ā¢Ā 2 min
- 5Wait for light railTRAAvenida de La Academia
- 6Ride to light rail stationLeĆ³n FelipeID 080214 min
- 7Walk toCentro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio JimenoCalle Poeta RosalĆa de Castro570 mĀ ā¢Ā 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno?
The fastest way takes 35 minutes, using Bus line C-1, Bus line CI1.
What is the alternative route to get from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno?
The alternative route takes 39 minutes, using Bus line C-1, Bus line TRA.
Is there a direct between Utebo and Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
No, youāll have to take one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 35 min.
Which line goes from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
The line goes from Miraflores station near Utebo to Estacion Delicias Con Acceso Llegadas station. From there youāll have to take one bus line till Estacion Delicias Con Acceso Llegadas station near Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza
How long does it take to travel from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza by bus?
The total travel time between Utebo and Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza by bus is about 35 min.
Where do I get on the near Utebo to get to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Utebo and Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
Get off the at the Estacion Delicias Con Acceso Llegadas stop, which is closest to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza.
When is the last bus from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
The last bus from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza is the Zaragoza - Casetas line. It leaves the N-232 Pk 250,5 - Alcampo Utebo stop at 1:38 AM.
When is the first train from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza?
The first train from Utebo to Centro FormaciĆ³n Arsenio Jimeno in Zaragoza is Casetas - Miraflores. It leaves the Utebo station at 9:07 AM.