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How to get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus?

From L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus

To get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília, take the 106.2 bus from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) station to L2 Sul | SAUS (CGU / DATAPREV / INSS) station. Next, take the 0.167 bus from L2 Sul | SAUS (CGU / DATAPREV / INSS) station to ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 47 min. The ride fare is R$3.80.

Bus - 106.2106.2
Bus - 0.1670.167
Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
Leaves from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)
  • 2
    Bus - 106.2106.2
    Wait for bus
    |GRANDE CIRCULAR| W3 Sul/Norte - Atacadão - L2 Norte/Sul - Term. Asa Sul
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    ID 488
    11 min
  • 4
    Bus - 0.1670.167
    Wait for bus
    Guará I - II
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul
    ID 3856
    25 min
  • 6
    Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    Walk to
    Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    730 m • 10 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Alternative route from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus via 106.2, 0.110 and 0.310

To get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 106.2 bus from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) station to L2 Norte | DNIT station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 0.110 bus and finally take the 0.310 bus from Rod.P.Piloto | Plataforma C station to ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.

Bus - 106.2106.2
Bus - 0.1100.110
Bus - 0.3100.310
Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
Leaves from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)
  • 2
    Bus - 106.2106.2
    Wait for bus
    |GRANDE CIRCULAR| W3 Sul/Norte - Atacadão - L2 Norte/Sul - Term. Asa Sul
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    L2 Norte | DNIT
    ID 1572
    9 min
  • 4
    Bus - 0.1100.110
    Wait for bus
    Rod.P.Piloto / UnB |SOMENTE CARTÃO|
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Rod.P.Piloto | DESEMBARQUE
    4 min
  • 6
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Rod.P.Piloto | Plataforma C
    ID 2130
    140 m • 2 min
  • 7
    Bus - 0.3100.310
    Wait for bus
    Setor O² / Ceil. Sul-Norte (Tag. Centro)
  • 8
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul
    ID 3856
    11 min
  • 9
    Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    Walk to
    Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    730 m • 10 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED

The distance between L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN), Brasília and Centro Médico PMDF - CMED, Brasília is approximately 12.95 km, which can typically be travelled in 47 min. Moovit will show you the directions from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus, so no matter how you choose to travel in Brasília – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)

L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) is located at L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN), Brasília and the nearest public transit station is L2 Norte | SGAN 607 (CRE Plano Piloto).

Subway stations close to L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN):

  • Central
  • Galeria

Bus stations close to L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN):

  • L2 Norte | SGAN 607 (CRE Plano Piloto)
  • L2 Norte | SGAN 606 (UnB / Casa Thomas Jefferson)
  • L2 Norte | SQN 407 (CRE Plano Piloto)

Public transit stations close to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED, Brasília

Centro Médico PMDF - CMED is located at Centro Médico PMDF - CMED, Brasília and the nearest public transit station is Setor Hípico - Colégio Militar D. Pedro II.

Subway stations close to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED:

  • 110 Sul
  • 112 Sul
  • Shopping

Bus stations close to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED:

  • Setor Hípico - Colégio Militar D. Pedro II
  • ESPM | Quartel General da Polícia Militar

Alternative route from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus via 106.2, 0.110 and 0.310

To get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 106.2 bus from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) station to L2 Norte | DNIT station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 0.110 bus and finally take the 0.310 bus from Rod.P.Piloto | Plataforma C station to ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.

Bus - 106.2106.2
Bus - 0.1100.110
Bus - 0.3100.310
Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
Leaves from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Start from bus station
    Start from bus station
    L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN)
  • 2
    Bus - 106.2106.2
    Wait for bus
    |GRANDE CIRCULAR| W3 Sul/Norte - Atacadão - L2 Norte/Sul - Term. Asa Sul
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    L2 Norte | DNIT
    ID 1572
    9 min
  • 4
    Bus - 0.1100.110
    Wait for bus
    Rod.P.Piloto / UnB |SOMENTE CARTÃO|
  • 5
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Rod.P.Piloto | DESEMBARQUE
    4 min
  • 6
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Rod.P.Piloto | Plataforma C
    ID 2130
    140 m • 2 min
  • 7
    Bus - 0.3100.310
    Wait for bus
    Setor O² / Ceil. Sul-Norte (Tag. Centro)
  • 8
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    ESPM | Polícia Federal / Cemitério Asa Sul
    ID 3856
    11 min
  • 9
    Walk to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    Walk to
    Centro Médico PMDF - CMED
    730 m • 10 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    The fastest way takes 47 minutes, using Bus line 106.2, Bus line 0.167.

  • What is the alternative route to get from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    The alternative route takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 106.2, Bus line 0.110, Bus line 0.310.

  • Is there a direct bus between L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) and Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 47 min.

  • Which bus line goes from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    The 106.2 bus line goes from |GRANDE CIRCULAR| W3 Sul/Norte - Atacadão - L2 Norte/Sul - Term. Asa Sul station near L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) in Brasilia Region to L2 Sul | SAUS (CGU / DATAPREV / INSS) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till L2 Sul | SAUS (CGU / DATAPREV / INSS) station near Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília.

  • How long does it take to travel from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED by bus?

    The total travel time between L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) in Brasilia Region and Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília by bus is about 47 min.

  • Where do I get on the bus near L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to get to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    Get on the 106.2 bus from the |GRANDE CIRCULAR| W3 Sul/Norte - Atacadão - L2 Norte/Sul - Term. Asa Sul stop near L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) in Brasilia Region.

  • Where do I get off the bus when travelling between L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) and Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    Get off the bus at the L2 Sul | SAUS (CGU / DATAPREV / INSS) stop, which is closest to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED in Brasília.

  • How much is the bus fare from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED?

    The ride from L2 Norte | SQN 406 (UnB / CEAN) to Centro Médico PMDF - CMED costs R$3.80.