How to get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica by bus?
From Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica by bus
To get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D, take the 9405 bus from Paradero Orión station to Encalada station. Next, take the IM18 bus from Encalada station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationParadero Orión50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9405Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate)
- 3Ride to bus stationEncalada73 min
- 4Wait for busIM18Chuquitanta (San Martín De Porres) - Upc (Santiago De Surco)
- 5Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico4 min
- 6Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Alternative route from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica by bus via 9405 and CR02
To get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D, take the 9405 bus from Paradero Orión station to Encalada station. Next, take the CR02 bus from Encalada station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationParadero Orión50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9405Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate)
- 3Ride to bus stationEncalada73 min
- 4Wait for busCR02Callao - Surco
- 5Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico4 min
- 6Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Public transit directions from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica
Public transit stations close to Plaza Vea
Plaza Vea is located at Plaza Vea, Santiago D and the nearest public transit station is Paradero Orión.
Bus stations close to Plaza Vea:
- Paradero Orión
- Plaza Vea
- Avenida Antúnez De Mayolo, 812
Public transit stations close to Centrum - Católica, Santiago D
Centrum - Católica is located at Jirón Claude de Bussy, Santiago D and the nearest public transit station is Los Cóndores.
Metro stations close to Centrum - Católica:
- Angamos
Bus stations close to Centrum - Católica:
- Los Cóndores
- Derecho
- Derecho Usmp
Related Routes
- Estación María Auxiliadora to Centrum - Católica
- Estacion San Juan to Centrum - Católica
- Atocongo to Centrum - Católica
- Ricardo Palma to Centrum - Católica
- Pentagonito to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Nicolás Ayllón, 2598 to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Canadá, 3921 to Centrum - Católica
- Rosa Toro to Centrum - Católica
- Cruceta to Centrum - Católica
- Puente Alipio to Centrum - Católica
- Pileta / Pista Nueva to Centrum - Católica
- Canadá to Centrum - Católica
- Ciudad / Tropicana to Centrum - Católica
- C.T to Centrum - Católica
- Óvalo La Curva to Centrum - Católica
- Matellini, 628 to Centrum - Católica
- Guardia Civil Sur to Centrum - Católica
- Parque Villa Alegre to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Agustín De La Rosa Toro, 424 to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Canadá, 4094 to Centrum - Católica
Alternative route from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica by bus via 9405 and CR02
To get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D, take the 9405 bus from Paradero Orión station to Encalada station. Next, take the CR02 bus from Encalada station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationParadero Orión50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9405Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate)
- 3Ride to bus stationEncalada73 min
- 4Wait for busCR02Callao - Surco
- 5Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico4 min
- 6Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica?
The fastest way takes 100 minutes, using Bus line 9405, Bus line IM18.
What is the alternative route to get from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica?
The alternative route takes 100 minutes, using Bus line 9405, Bus line CR02.
Is there a direct bus between Plaza Vea and Centrum - Católica?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica?
The 9405 bus line goes from Paradero Orión station near Plaza Vea in Lima to Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate) station near Centrum - Católica in Santiago D.
How long does it take to travel from Plaza Vea to Centrum - Católica by bus?
The total travel time between Plaza Vea in Lima and Centrum - Católica in Santiago D by bus is about 1 hr 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Plaza Vea to get to Centrum - Católica?
Get on the 9405 bus from the Paradero Orión stop near Plaza Vea in Lima.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Plaza Vea and Centrum - Católica?
Get off the bus at the Bertello (Callao) - Santa Clara (Ate) stop, which is closest to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D.