How to get from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica by bus?
From Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica by bus
Take one direct bus from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D: take the 1701 bus from Escuela Policial station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 12 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEscuela Policial
- 2Wait for bus1701Miramar (Ancón) - Upc (Santiago De Surco)
- 3Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico113 min
- 4Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Alternative route from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica by bus via 8108 and IM18
To get from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D, take the 8108 bus from Escuela Policial station to Vivanco / Subaru station. Next, take the IM18 bus from Vivanco / Subaru station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEscuela Policial
- 2Wait for bus8108Zapallal (Puente Piedra) - Av. Lima (Villa El Salvador)
- 3Ride to bus stationVivanco / Subaru91 min
- 4Walk to bus stationVivanco / Subaru210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busIM18Chuquitanta (San Martín De Porres) - Upc (Santiago De Surco)
- 6Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico7 min
- 7Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Public transit directions from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica
Public transit stations close to Escuela Policial
Escuela Policial is located at Escuela Policial, Santiago D and the nearest public transit station is Establo.
Bus stations close to Escuela Policial:
- Establo
- Tres Ruedas
Public transit stations close to Centrum - Católica, Santiago D
Centrum - Católica is located at Jirón Claude de Bussy, Santiago D and the nearest public transit station is Medicina.
Metro stations close to Centrum - Católica:
- Angamos
Bus stations close to Centrum - Católica:
- Medicina
- Facultad De Medicina
- El Glaciar
Related Routes
- Estación María Auxiliadora to Centrum - Católica
- Estacion San Juan to Centrum - Católica
- Atocongo to Centrum - Católica
- Ricardo Palma to Centrum - Católica
- Pentagonito to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Nicolás Ayllón, 2598 to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Canadá, 3921 to Centrum - Católica
- Rosa Toro to Centrum - Católica
- Cruceta to Centrum - Católica
- Puente Alipio to Centrum - Católica
- Pileta / Pista Nueva to Centrum - Católica
- Canadá to Centrum - Católica
- Ciudad / Tropicana to Centrum - Católica
- C.T to Centrum - Católica
- Óvalo La Curva to Centrum - Católica
- Matellini, 628 to Centrum - Católica
- Guardia Civil Sur to Centrum - Católica
- Parque Villa Alegre to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Agustín De La Rosa Toro, 424 to Centrum - Católica
- Avenida Canadá, 4094 to Centrum - Católica
Alternative route from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica by bus via 8108 and IM18
To get from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D, take the 8108 bus from Escuela Policial station to Vivanco / Subaru station. Next, take the IM18 bus from Vivanco / Subaru station to Upc Monterrico station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEscuela Policial
- 2Wait for bus8108Zapallal (Puente Piedra) - Av. Lima (Villa El Salvador)
- 3Ride to bus stationVivanco / Subaru91 min
- 4Walk to bus stationVivanco / Subaru210 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for busIM18Chuquitanta (San Martín De Porres) - Upc (Santiago De Surco)
- 6Ride to bus stationUpc Monterrico7 min
- 7Walk toCentrum - CatólicaJirón Claude de Bussy1.46 km • 19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica?
The fastest way takes 132 minutes, using Bus line 1701.
What is the alternative route to get from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica?
The alternative route takes 122 minutes, using Bus line 8108, Bus line IM18.
Is there a direct bus between Escuela Policial and Centrum - Católica?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Escuela Policial in Lima to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D in 2 hr 12 min.
Which bus line goes from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica?
The 1701 bus line goes from Miramar (Ancón) - Upc (Santiago De Surco) station near Escuela Policial in Lima to Upc Monterrico station near Centrum - Católica in Santiago D.
How long does it take to travel from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica by bus?
The total travel time between Escuela Policial in Lima and Centrum - Católica in Santiago D by bus is about 2 hr 12 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Escuela Policial to get to Centrum - Católica?
Get on the 1701 bus from the Miramar (Ancón) - Upc (Santiago De Surco) stop near Escuela Policial in Lima.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Escuela Policial and Centrum - Católica?
Get off the bus at the Upc Monterrico stop, which is closest to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D.
When is the last bus from Escuela Policial to Centrum - Católica?
The last bus from Escuela Policial in Lima to Centrum - Católica in Santiago D is the Ancón - Santiago de Surco line. It leaves the Escuela Policial stop at 6:41 PM.