How to get from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges by bus?
From Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges by bus
To get from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges in Paris, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the N142 bus from République station to Gare de Tournan station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 3214 bus and finally take the 10 bus from Place station to Rue de la Croix station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRépublique1.9 km • 25 min
- 2Wait for busN142Gare de Tournan
- 3Ride to bus stationGare de Tournan84 min
- 4Wait for bus3214Bourg
- 5Ride to bus stationPlace36 min
- 6Walk to bus stationPlace20 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for bus10Cité Scolaire
- 8Ride to bus stationRue de la Croix16 min
Public transit directions from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges
Public transit stations close to Rivoli - Pont Neuf
Rivoli - Pont Neuf is located at Rivoli - Pont Neuf, Paris and the nearest public transit station is Rivoli - Pont Neuf.
Metro stations close to Rivoli - Pont Neuf:
- Châtelet
- Les Halles
- Pont Neuf
Bus stations close to Rivoli - Pont Neuf:
- Rivoli - Pont Neuf
- Rivoli - Châtelet
- Pont Neuf - Quai du Louvre
RER stations close to Rivoli - Pont Neuf:
- Châtelet Les Halles
Public transit stations close to Chartronges, Paris
Chartronges is located at Chartronges, Paris and the nearest public transit station is Rue de la Croix.
Bus stations close to Chartronges:
- Rue de la Croix
Related Routes
- Chelles - Gournay to Chartronges
- Gare de Lyon to Chartronges
- Bondy to Chartronges
- Gare Saint-Lazare to Chartronges
- Havre - Caumartin to Chartronges
- Auber to Chartronges
- Opéra to Chartronges
- Pyramides to Chartronges
- Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre to Chartronges
- Rosa Parks to Chartronges
- Madeleine to Chartronges
- Musée D'Orsay to Chartronges
- Bastille to Chartronges
- Noisy-Le-Sec to Chartronges
- Châtelet to Chartronges
- Chaussée D'Antin - la Fayette to Chartronges
- Gare de Lyon - Van Gogh to Chartronges
- Bercy to Chartronges
- Concorde to Chartronges
- Gare de Lyon - Diderot to Chartronges
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges?
The fastest way takes 175 minutes, using Bus line N142, Bus line 3214, Bus line 10.
Is there a direct bus between Rivoli - Pont Neuf and Chartronges in Paris?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 55 min.
Which bus line goes from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges in Paris?
The N142 bus line goes from République station near Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Gare de Tournan station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Gare de Tournan station near Chartronges in Paris
How long does it take to travel from Rivoli - Pont Neuf to Chartronges in Paris by bus?
The total travel time between Rivoli - Pont Neuf and Chartronges in Paris by bus is about 2 hr 55 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rivoli - Pont Neuf to get to Chartronges in Paris?
Get on the N142 bus from the République stop near Rivoli - Pont Neuf in Paris.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rivoli - Pont Neuf and Chartronges in Paris?
Get off the bus at the Gare de Tournan stop, which is closest to Chartronges in Paris.