How to get from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás by bus?
From Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás by bus
Take one direct bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León: take the 334 bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) station to Rómulo Garza (Juan Montemayor - Juan Morales) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min. The ride fare is MX$16.36.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol)70 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus334Directo - Kir - Almazán
- 3Ride to bus stationRómulo Garza (Juan Montemayor - Juan Morales)13 min
Alternative route from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás by bus via 105 and TME
To get from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León, take the 105 bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) station to Adolfo López Mateos (Cuitláhuac - Xicoténcatl) station. Next, take the TME bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Juan Pablo II - Roberto Garza Sada) station to Rómulo Garza (Pinos - Juan Montemayor) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is MX$12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol)70 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus105Pueblo Nuevo - Parques
- 3Ride to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Cuitláhuac - Xicoténcatl)11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Juan Pablo II - Roberto Garza Sada)80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busTMEHospital Metropolitano - Rómulo Garza
- 6Ride to bus stationRómulo Garza (Pinos - Juan Montemayor)10 min
- 7Walk toChristus Muguerza San NicolásAv. Rómulo Garza 1100100 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás
Public transit stations close to Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora)
Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) is located at Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora), Nuevo León and the nearest public transit station is Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol).
Metrorrey stations close to Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora):
- Estación Hospital Metropolitano
Bus stations close to Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora):
- Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol)
- Licenciado Adolfo López Mateos 1129
- Camino A Apodaca (Río de La Plata - Casa Blanca)
Public transit stations close to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás, Nuevo León
Christus Muguerza San Nicolás is located at Av. Rómulo Garza 1100, Nuevo León and the nearest public transit station is Estación Los Ángeles.
Metrorrey stations close to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás:
- Estación Los Ángeles
- Estación Eloy Cavazos
- Estación Lerdo de Tejada
Bus stations close to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás:
- Unión (Las Flores - Hacienda)
- Rómulo Garza (Yazaki Cables Poniente)
- Rómulo Garza (Juan Montemayor - Juan Morales)
Related Routes
- Nogalar (Borneo - Diego D. de Berlanga) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás
- Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Santiago
- Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Clinica 67
- Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Imss Umf 17
- Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Medica Huinala
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Instituto Tecnológico de Nuevo León
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad de Enfermería Uanl
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad de Ciencias de La Comunicacion
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Tecmilenio - Campus San Nicolás
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad de Psicología Uanl
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Ceu
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Itesm - Egade Campus Monterrey
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Universidad Tecmilenio
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Itesm - Escuela de Medicina
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Facultad de Ciencias Fisico-Matematicas
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Hospital Universitario
- Santo Domingo (Amaranto - República Mexicana) to Torre de Rectoría Uanl
Alternative route from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás by bus via 105 and TME
To get from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León, take the 105 bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) station to Adolfo López Mateos (Cuitláhuac - Xicoténcatl) station. Next, take the TME bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Juan Pablo II - Roberto Garza Sada) station to Rómulo Garza (Pinos - Juan Montemayor) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is MX$12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol)70 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus105Pueblo Nuevo - Parques
- 3Ride to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Cuitláhuac - Xicoténcatl)11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAdolfo López Mateos (Juan Pablo II - Roberto Garza Sada)80 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busTMEHospital Metropolitano - Rómulo Garza
- 6Ride to bus stationRómulo Garza (Pinos - Juan Montemayor)10 min
- 7Walk toChristus Muguerza San NicolásAv. Rómulo Garza 1100100 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
The fastest way takes 15 minutes, using Bus line 334.
What is the alternative route to get from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
The alternative route takes 28 minutes, using Bus line 105, Bus line TME.
Is there a direct bus between Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) and Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) in Monterrey to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León in 15 min.
Which bus line goes from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
The 334 bus line goes from Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) station near Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) in Monterrey to Directo - Kir - Almazán station near Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León.
How long does it take to travel from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás by bus?
The total travel time between Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) in Monterrey and Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León by bus is about 15 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to get to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
Get on the 334 bus from the Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) stop near Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) in Monterrey.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) and Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
Get off the bus at the Directo - Kir - Almazán stop, which is closest to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León.
When is the first bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
The first bus from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) in Monterrey to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás in Nuevo León is Directo - KIR - Almazán. It leaves the Adolfo López Mateos (Camino A Santa Rosa - Caracol) stop at 2:04 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás?
The ride from Adolfo López Mateos (Atexcaco - Yécora) to Christus Muguerza San Nicolás costs MX$16.36.