How to get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo by bus and metro?
From Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo by bus and metro
To get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one metro line: take the 516 bus from Viena - Av. Atenas station to P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the M-10 metro and finally take the 193 bus from Intercambiador De Plaza De Castilla station to Ctra. A-1 - Urb. Ciudalcampo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 46 min. The ride fare is €5.90.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationViena - Av. Atenas
- 2Wait for bus516P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos
- 3Ride to bus stationP.º Extremadura - Cuatro VientosID 8_0846410 min
- 4Walk to metro stationCuatro Vientos20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metroM-10Tres Olivos - Hospital Infanta Sofía
- 6Ride to metro stationPlaza De Castilla26 min
- 7Wait for bus193San Roque - Escuela De Hostelería
- 8Ride to bus stationCtra. A-1 - Urb. CiudalcampoID 8_0670122 min
- 9Walk toCiudalcampoCalle Nervión2.75 km • 35 min
Alternative route from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo by bus and metro via 2, M-10 and 193
To get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one metro line: take the 2 bus from Viena - Av. Atenas station to Av. Libertad - Joaquín Vilumbrales station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the M-10 metro and finally take the 193 bus from Intercambiador De Plaza De Castilla station to Ctra. A-1 - Urb. Ciudalcampo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 49 min. The ride fare is €5.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationViena - Av. Atenas
- 2Wait for bus2Estación FF.CC. - Los Castillos - Prado Sto. Domingo
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Libertad - Joaquín VilumbralesID 8_1318215 min
- 4Walk to metro stationJoaquín Vilumbrales10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metroM-10Tres Olivos - Hospital Infanta Sofía
- 6Ride to metro stationPlaza De Castilla29 min
- 7Wait for bus193San Roque - Escuela De Hostelería
- 8Ride to bus stationCtra. A-1 - Urb. CiudalcampoID 8_0670122 min
- 9Walk toCiudalcampoCalle Nervión2.75 km • 35 min
Public transit directions from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo
Public transit stations close to Viena - Av. Atenas
Viena - Av. Atenas is located at Viena - Av. Atenas, San Sebastián De Los Reyes and the nearest public transit station is Viena - Av. Atenas.
Metro stations close to Viena - Av. Atenas:
- Parque Lisboa
- Alcorcón Central
- Parque Oeste
Train stations close to Viena - Av. Atenas:
- Alcorcón
- Las Retamas
Bus stations close to Viena - Av. Atenas:
- Viena - Av. Atenas
- Av. Atenas - Milán
- Viena - Budapest
Public transit stations close to Ciudalcampo, San Sebastián De Los Reyes
Ciudalcampo is located at Calle Nervión, San Sebastián De Los Reyes and the nearest public transit station is P.º Narcea - Ródano.
Bus stations close to Ciudalcampo:
- P.º Narcea - Ródano
- Pza. Hexágono - Danubio
- P.º Naranjo De Bulnes - Pza. Hexágono
Related Routes
- Isla De Sálvora - Instituto to Ciudalcampo
- San Antonio - Playa De Samil to Ciudalcampo
- Playa De Louro - Chopos to Ciudalcampo
- Playa De Louro - Islas Cíes to Ciudalcampo
- Isla De La Toja - Playa De Louro to Ciudalcampo
- Suertes - Siete Picos to Ciudalcampo
- Amapolas - Urb. Los Valles to Ciudalcampo
- Cristóbal Colón, 302 to Ciudalcampo
- Cristóbal Colón / Núñez De Balboa (Antes) to Ciudalcampo
- Virgen Del Amparo / San Ginés to Ciudalcampo
- Ctra. M-541 - Amor De Dios to Ciudalcampo
- Portazgo - Estadio De Vallecas to Ciudalcampo
- Metro Miguel Hernández to Ciudalcampo
- Sierra Guadalupe to Ciudalcampo
- Villa Vallecas to Ciudalcampo
- Montes De Barbanza to Ciudalcampo
- Puerto De La Bonaigua - San Diego to Ciudalcampo
- Marianistas to Ciudalcampo
- Gómez Arteche - Alzina to Ciudalcampo
- Avenida Carabanchel Alto - Gómez Arteche to Ciudalcampo
Alternative route from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo by bus and metro via 2, M-10 and 193
To get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one metro line: take the 2 bus from Viena - Av. Atenas station to Av. Libertad - Joaquín Vilumbrales station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the M-10 metro and finally take the 193 bus from Intercambiador De Plaza De Castilla station to Ctra. A-1 - Urb. Ciudalcampo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 49 min. The ride fare is €5.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationViena - Av. Atenas
- 2Wait for bus2Estación FF.CC. - Los Castillos - Prado Sto. Domingo
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Libertad - Joaquín VilumbralesID 8_1318215 min
- 4Walk to metro stationJoaquín Vilumbrales10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metroM-10Tres Olivos - Hospital Infanta Sofía
- 6Ride to metro stationPlaza De Castilla29 min
- 7Wait for bus193San Roque - Escuela De Hostelería
- 8Ride to bus stationCtra. A-1 - Urb. CiudalcampoID 8_0670122 min
- 9Walk toCiudalcampoCalle Nervión2.75 km • 35 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo?
The fastest way takes 106 minutes, using Bus line 516, Bus line M-10, Bus line 193.
What is the alternative route to get from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo?
The alternative route takes 109 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line M-10, Bus line 193.
Is there a direct bus between Viena - Av. Atenas and Ciudalcampo?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one metro line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 46 min.
Which bus line goes from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo?
The 516 bus line goes from P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos station near Viena - Av. Atenas in Madrid to P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one metro line till P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos station near Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes.
How long does it take to travel from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo by bus and metro?
The total travel time between Viena - Av. Atenas in Madrid and Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes by bus and metro is about 1 hr 46 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Viena - Av. Atenas to get to Ciudalcampo?
Get on the 516 bus from the P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos stop near Viena - Av. Atenas in Madrid.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Viena - Av. Atenas and Ciudalcampo?
Get off the bus at the P.º Extremadura - Cuatro Vientos stop, which is closest to Ciudalcampo in San Sebastián De Los Reyes.
How much is the total bus and metro fare from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo?
The ride from Viena - Av. Atenas to Ciudalcampo costs €5.90.