How to get from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche by bus and train?
From Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche by bus and train
To get from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche in Civitanova Marche, take the TRASFER bus from Lido Tre Archi station to Porto S.Giorgio Stazione station. Next, take the R train from Porto San Giorgio-Fermo station to Civitanova Marche-Montegranaro station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 51 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationLido Tre Archi1.14 km • 15 min
- 2Wait for busTRASFERLargo Calzecchi
- 3Ride to bus stationPorto S.Giorgio Stazione15 min
- 4Walk to train stationPorto San Giorgio-Fermo120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for trainRCivitanova M.
- 6Ride to train stationCivitanova Marche-Montegranaro13 min
- 7Walk toCivitanova MarcheVia San Marone580 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche
Public transit stations close to Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling
Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling is located at Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling, Civitanova Marche and the nearest public transit station is Porto S.Elpidio Bowling Dir. Sud.
Train stations close to Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling:
- Porto Sant'Elpidio
Bus stations close to Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling:
- Porto S.Elpidio Bowling Dir. Sud
- Sp.28 Piazza Risorgimento
- P.S.Elpidio Ss.16 Bv. Faleriense Dir. Su
Public transit stations close to Civitanova Marche, Civitanova Marche
Civitanova Marche is located at Via San Marone, Civitanova Marche and the nearest public transit station is Civitanova Marche - Via Adriano Cecchett.
Train stations close to Civitanova Marche:
- Civitanova Marche-Montegranaro
Bus stations close to Civitanova Marche:
- Civitanova Marche - Via Adriano Cecchett
- Cecchetti 2
- Civitanova Marche - Via San Marone
Related Routes
- Ancona to Civitanova Marche
- Deposito Di Jesi - Servizio Urbano to Civitanova Marche
- Bivio Ospedale to Civitanova Marche
- Pellico 8 to Civitanova Marche
- Capolinea Zona Industriale A to Civitanova Marche
- Centro Scambiatore Brecce Bianche to Civitanova Marche
- Capolinea Via Roma to Civitanova Marche
- 1^ Resistenza - Vigili Del Fuoco to Civitanova Marche
- 2^ Via C. Colombo - Ex Crass to Civitanova Marche
- Pinocchio (Farmacia) to Civitanova Marche
- Piazza Ugo Bassi to Civitanova Marche
- Pinocchio (Bar) to Civitanova Marche
- 2^ Resistenza - Vigili Del Fuoco to Civitanova Marche
- Strada Vecchia Pinocchio (Stab. Angelini) to Civitanova Marche
- Via Ruggeri to Civitanova Marche
- Via Flavia (P.Zza Salvo D'Acquisto) to Civitanova Marche
- Stazione FS to Civitanova Marche
- Pantiere Di Castelbellino to Civitanova Marche
- Terminal Cristo Re to Civitanova Marche
- Corso Umberto I to Civitanova Marche
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche?
The fastest way takes 111 minutes, using Bus line TRASFER, Bus line R.
Is there a direct bus between Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling and Civitanova Marche?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 51 min.
Which bus line goes from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche?
The TRASFER bus line goes from Lido Tre Archi station near Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling in Porto Sant' Elpidio to Largo Calzecchi station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Largo Calzecchi station near Civitanova Marche in Civitanova Marche.
How long does it take to travel from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche by bus and train?
The total travel time between Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling in Porto Sant' Elpidio and Civitanova Marche in Civitanova Marche by bus and train is about 1 hr 51 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to get to Civitanova Marche?
Get on the TRASFER bus from the Lido Tre Archi stop near Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling in Porto Sant' Elpidio.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling and Civitanova Marche?
Get off the bus at the Largo Calzecchi station, which is closest to Civitanova Marche in Civitanova Marche.
When is the first bus from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling to Civitanova Marche?
The first bus from Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling in Porto Sant' Elpidio to Civitanova Marche in Civitanova Marche is Ascoli Piceno - San Benedetto del Tronto - Civitanova Marche. It leaves the Ss16 - Porto Sant'Elpidio - Boowling stop at 7:54 AM.