How to get from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón by light rail?
From Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza: take the TRA light rail from Plaza Aragón station to Emperador Carlos V station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 13 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from light rail stationPlaza Aragón
- 2Wait for light railTRAMago de Oz
- 3Ride to light rail stationEmperador Carlos VID 17016 min
- 4Walk toClínica QuirónPaseo Mariano Renovales s/n480 m • 7 min
From Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón by bus
Take one direct bus from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza: take the CI1 bus from Camino de Las Torres / Plaza Schweitzer station to Arzobispo Morcillo N. º 32 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCamino de Las Torres / Plaza SchweitzerID 294730 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busCI1Estacion Delicias
- 3Ride to bus stationArzobispo Morcillo N. º 32ID 175 min
- 4Walk toClínica QuirónPaseo Mariano Renovales s/n310 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón
Public transit stations close to Clínica Quirón, Zaragoza
Clínica Quirón is located at Paseo Mariano Renovales s/n, Zaragoza and the nearest public transit station is Plaza Emperador Carlos V.
Bus stations close to Clínica Quirón:
- Plaza Emperador Carlos V
- Intercambiador Carlos V
- Plaza Emperador Carlos V / Intercambiador
Related Routes
- Av. de Cataluña N.º 74 / Plaza Mozart to Clínica Quirón
- Camino de Las Torres N.º 116 to Clínica Quirón
- Coso N.º 126 to Fuentes De Ebro
- Coso N.º 126 to Plaza de Toros de Zaragoza
- Coso N.º 126 to Centro de Salud San José Norte - Centro
- Coso N.º 188 to Fuentes De Ebro
- Coso N.º 188 to La Muela
- Don Jaime I / Plaza de La Seo to Fuentes De Ebro
- Don Jaime I / Plaza de La Seo to Centro de Salud San José Norte - Centro
- Fray Julián Garcés N.º 52 to Fuentes De Ebro
- P. de Cuéllar / San Fernando to Fuentes De Ebro
- P. de Cuéllar / San Fernando to Edificio Paraninfo
- P. Echegaray y Caballero N.º 12 to Hospital Provincial Nuestra Señora de Gracia
- P. Pamplona N.º 4 / Plaza Paraiso to Fuentes De Ebro
- P. Pamplona N.º 4 / Plaza Paraiso to Zuera
- P. Pamplona N.º 4 / Plaza Paraiso to Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa
- P. Pamplona N.º 4 / Plaza Paraiso to Residencia Universitaria Femenina María Reina
- P. Pamplona N.º 4 / Plaza Paraiso to Traumatología
- P. Infantes de España / Ies V. Del Pilar to Facultad de Medicina - Edificio B
- P. Mª Agustín N.º 7 / Puerta Del Carmen to Estadio de La Romareda
From Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón by bus
Take one direct bus from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza: take the CI1 bus from Camino de Las Torres / Plaza Schweitzer station to Arzobispo Morcillo N. º 32 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCamino de Las Torres / Plaza SchweitzerID 294730 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busCI1Estacion Delicias
- 3Ride to bus stationArzobispo Morcillo N. º 32ID 175 min
- 4Walk toClínica QuirónPaseo Mariano Renovales s/n310 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón?
The fastest way takes 13 minutes, using Bus line TRA.
What is the alternative route to get from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón?
The alternative route takes 20 minutes, using Bus line CI1.
Is there a direct light rail between Plaza Aragón and Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza?
Yes, there is a direct light rail going from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza in 13 min.
Which light rail line goes from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza?
The TRA light rail line goes from Mago de Oz station near Plaza Aragón to Emperador Carlos V station near Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza.
How long does it take to travel from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza by light rail?
The total travel time between Plaza Aragón and Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza by light rail is about 13 min.
Where do I get on the light rail near Plaza Aragón to get to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza?
Get on the TRA light rail from the Mago de Oz station near Plaza Aragón in Zaragoza.
Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Plaza Aragón and Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza?
Get off the light rail at the Emperador Carlos V station, which is closest to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza.
When is the first bus from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza?
The first bus from Plaza Aragón to Clínica Quirón in Zaragoza is Circular 1. It leaves the Camino de Las Torres / Plaza Schweitzer stop at 10:10 AM.